- Ma Wenge leveled the score 1 after beating Person. 马文革击败佩尔森,将总比分板成1比1。
- However, "Cypriot missing Ma Weng, how non - Fook. 然而,“塞翁失马,焉知非福”。
- He was allowed to proceed to an MA. 他获准攻读文学硕士学位。
- Wenge MA 马文革
- He always does what his ma tells him to. 他总是很听妈妈的话。
- He can not operate the ma chine. neither( nor) can I. 他不能操作这台机器。我也不能。
- On our Changleyishou Ri Wenge, very nicely. 安给我们唱了一首日文歌,非常好听。
- It's polished away in Wenge period. 文革时怕麻烦被磨掉了。
- Weng Zhenxin, male, Fujian Putian person. 翁振新,男,福建莆田人。
- Dr. Ma had considered going along with Bethune. 马大夫曾考虑和白求恩同行。
- The gate Tsuzuki have deep Weng Cheng-wide. 各门都筑有深阔的瓮城。
- The runaway prisoner landed up ma ditch. 那个逃犯最后死在水沟里。
- A Letter to Yang Zhenning from Weng Fan!!! 此处 年龄差异,用 妾和 君 很合适!
- Ma was mad with me for spilling the ink. 我把墨水打翻了,妈妈对我非常生气。
- Je vous fais mes excuses pour ma demande brusque ? 请问达人们,请原谅我唐突的要求,这句话怎么说比较有礼貌啊?
- The tummy split open, ma not painful? 肚皮裂开,妈不痛?
- Who will be Ma's next opponent,if he wins today? 如果马今天胜了这盘棋,他的下个对手是谁?
- As soon as he saw Lao Ma,he told him his opionions. 他见到老马,就把自己的想法告诉了他。
- I am sure about getting an MA degree. 我肯定能取得文学硕士学位。
- Ma Lili rs ruler is longer than my ruler. 马莉莉的尺子比我的尺子长。