- West China exploiting policy 西部大开发
- Tax policy and strategy of west China development II. 西部大开发战略与税收政策研究2。
- Reconsideration on the developing county-scale economy in exploiting West China. 关于西部大开发中发展县域经济问题的再思考。
- The panda is a native of west China. 熊猫是中国西部的动物。
- West China Center of Medical Sciences? 华西医学中心?
- The panda is native to West China. 熊猫产于中国西部。
- The stockbreeding should become the key point of agricultural structure adjusting in the West China exploitation 畜牧业应成为西部大开发中农业结构调整的重点
- Shaanxi has become the important exploiting and supply base of coal and petroleum.Xi’an, the bridgehead of West China Development, also is the pivot city connecting the east and south area. 特别是陕西省已成为全国煤炭石油的重要开采和供应基地,西安又是连接东部和西部地区的枢纽城市,是西部大开发的桥头堡。
- Using abounding bio-resources of West China to develop biodiesel meets the requirements of State Energy Policy and Sustainable Development Strategy. 摘要以西部油料资源发展生物柴油,符合国家的能源战略政策和可持续发展方向。
- Technique and model for combating desertification in West China. 西部沙漠化防治技术与模式。
- Study on models of degraded ecosystems in arid zone of West China. 西部干旱区退化生态系统模式研究。
- We welcome whoever would like to invest in West China. 我们欢迎任何愿意来中国西部投资的人。
- Welcome to the West China Subalpine Botanical Garden! 欢迎光临中国科学院华西亚高山植物园!
- Abstract: The disfigurement of market mechanism and the windage of fiscal and tax policy cause huge converse of value and tax burden between middle and west China and east China. 内容提要 市场机制的缺陷和财税政策的偏差,导致中西部与东部地区价值和税负逆向运行,中西部地区承受着税负剪刀差。
- Where is the Way for Publishers of West China to Promote the Industry? 西部出版业:实现产业升级的突破口何在?
- I work as an engineer responsible for the design of toys that can meet the needs of West China market. 我是位工程师,负责设计符合中国西部市场需求的玩具。
- Ecological construction and environmental protection is quite essen t ial in the development of West China. 生态建设和环境保护是西部大开发的根本。
- Japanese land in Formosa was appropriated by mainland carpetbaggers, while the North China Exploitation Company seized several hundred thousand mow of land in Hopei. 日本人在台湾的土地被大陆来的接收大员据为已有,华北垦业公司则侵吞了河北几十万亩土地。
- The number of biological species of the whole glob e is decreasing rapidly; this has also occurred in West China. 全球的生物物种在急剧减少,而此情景也呈现于我国的西部地区。
- Now the small and median enterprises in West China meet bottlenecks in their development. 当前,西部中小企业发展面临瓶颈。