- Through investigation to West Lake Spot in HuiZhou, it showed that the pot had 127 species woody plant which belong to 48 families, including 6 families 8 species gymnosperm and 42 families 118 species angiosperm. 摘要通过对惠州市西湖风景区的木本植物资源的调查,结果表明该景区的木本植物种类总类为48科127种,其中裸子植物有6科8种,被子植物有42科118种。
- West Lake spot in Huizhou 惠州西湖景区
- Chestwood point of the West Lake in Huizhou in Pinghu, Sudi from the Jiu Quqiao up. 点翠湖位于惠州西湖之平湖中,由苏堤经九曲桥可达。
- West Lake is situated in the center of Huizhou. 到赏心悦目中去陶冶一下情操吧。赏心悦目:西湖位于惠州市中心区。
- The beauties of the West Lake in spring were beyond his expectation. 西湖的春景比他所预料的更加美丽。
- We paddled a little boat in the West Lake. 我们在西湖里荡一叶小舟。
- The west lake is noted for its scenery. 西湖以其风景而著名。
- The West Lake was beautiful beyond description. 西湖美得难以描述。
- You can't do the west Lake properly in one day. 要好好游览西湖一天是不够的。
- The Response of Zooplankton Community to Ecological Restoration in Huizhou West Lake 惠州西湖浮游动物群落对生态恢复的响应
- The full pleasure-boat in the West Lake. 西湖满是游船。
- Are greeting you in Huizhou, Guangdong. 在广东惠州向您问好。
- He was a legendary figure in Huizhou. 他可是惠州的一位传奇人物。
- Modern Structure, National Soul and Natural Scene--The South Gate Region Design of West Lake Resort in Huizhou 现代骨民族魂自然衣--惠州西湖南门景区设计小议
- Uranus is only a tiny spot in the sky. 天王星只是天空中的一个极微小的点。
- Is the only ethnic minority township in Huizhou. 是惠州市惟一的少数民族乡。
- That was a bright spot in an otherwise dull day. 这是在单调沉闷日子里的惟一的欢乐时刻。
- Was the first West Lake Expo held in 1929? 首届西湖博览会是在1929年举办的吗?
- Modernization of road network in Huizhou City? 惠州市公路网现代化思考?
- The fire brigade rushed to the spot in good time. 消防队及时赶到现场。