- West medicine is adept at analysis , microcosmic, and fail in macrocosm and synthesis. 西医学长于分析、长于局部,短于整体和综合;
- Bursa is one kind of soft tissues in the west medicine and bursitis is considered as inflammation of the bursa. 摘要在西医,滑囊属于软组织的范畴,滑囊炎被视为软组织发炎。
- In west medicine, diarrhea can be divided into infective diarrhea and noninfective diarrhea. 西医学认为,腹泻分感染性腹泻和非感染性腹泻。
- Hippocrates was the father of the west medicine and the founder of the west medicine morals. 希波克拉底是西方医学之父、西方医学道德的奠基人。
- Method Give "Shugan Liangxue Jiedu"Decoction to 32 patients matched with psychotherapy and west medicine supporting treatment. 方法32例病人应用疏肝凉血解毒汤加减配合心理治疗及西医支持治疗。
- This article has followed the trail of the ways and means of combining Tranditional Chinese medicine with West medicine for recent 20 years. 追踪近20余年来关于中西医结合的途径与方法;论述了中医在医学史上的特殊地位,以及现代医学模式对中医“自然整体医学模式”的挑战;
- Furthermore,the practice system and cultural authority of West Medicine were gradually admired and imitated in the community of Chinese medic... 进而,西医执业制度和文化权威逐渐为中医界所欣羡和模仿。
- Objective: To establish a method for treating fracture of external condyle of humerus and separating epiphysis of capitellum in children with Chinese Medicine and West Medicine. 目的:采用简单的方法收到良好的治疗效果。
- Complete remission ratio is 75.0% and 23.3%(P<0.05).Conclusion:Combined medicine method is superior to west medicine group in anti vormitting from chemical therap... 结果:中西医结合防治化疗所致的恶心呕吐;两组的止吐有效率分别为917%25及650%25;完全缓解率为750%25及233%25(P<005)。
- After twelve months the models were established. The treatment group was given SPG through filling stomach two times every day for six weeks. The control group was given west medicine. 12周后,各组动物日2次灌胃,空白组和模型组予生理盐水,对照组用等量西药阿托伐他汀钙联合噻氯匹啶溶于生理盐水制成混悬液,治疗组用化瘀祛痰颗粒剂溶于生理盐水制成等量混悬液,连续灌胃6周。
- SNOMED CT(Systemized Nomenclature of Medicine,Clinical Terms,US)organized the west medicine clinical terms into 19 related hierarchies with the instruction of its special classification methodology. 系统化临床医学术语集,美国)依据特定的术语分类原则,将现代临床医学术语划分成为19个具有内在有机关联的层级体系。
- In the short term, the medicine may not be very effective. 从眼前来看,这药可能疗效不是很大。
- The river flows through the city from east to west. 这条河从东到西贯穿这座城市。
- This kind of medicine is special for gripes. 这种药专治肚子痛。
- Take medicine when you get gripes. 肚子痛时吃些药。
- traditional chinese medicine combined west medicine 中西医结合
- Modern medicine has increased man's life span. 现代医学延长了人的寿命。
- The west lake is noted for its scenery. 西湖以其风景而著名。
- The West Lake was beautiful beyond description. 西湖美得难以描述。
- The medicine did his stomachache a power of good. 这种药对他的胃痛疗效显著。