- Westem architectural history 西方建筑历史
- This cathedral was regarded as a miracle in architectural history. 这座大教堂被认为是建筑史上的奇迹。
- The old colleges of Oxford have an ancient architectural history. 牛津大学里各个古老的学院都有着悠久的建筑历史。
- In the 1930s the field of Chinese architectural history was truly open to the excitement of unprecedented finds. 在1930年代中中国的建筑历史的领域真实地对空前的发现刺激开放。
- It may not seem like a landmark, as important to architectural history as the Louvre or New York's Woolworth Building. 它看上去不像是一座具有里程碑意义的历史性建筑,与卢浮宫和伍尔沃斯大厦比较更是相形见绌。
- The construction of a church, not only enrich our cultural and architectural history, but also our city and rural landscape. 这些教堂建筑的出现,不仅丰富了我国的建筑历史和文化,而且丰富了我国的城市乃至乡村的景观。
- Yet all his other work pales beside the Park Hotel, the jewel in Hudec's crown and a masterpiece in China's architectural history. 然而所有他其余的作品在国际饭店面前都要黯然失色。这是邬达克皇冠上的宝石,中国建筑史上的杰作。
- Lin Phyllis Whei-Yin is the first outstanding female architect of neoteric China, she posses a very important status in China architectural history. 林徽因是近代中国第一位杰出的女建筑学家,在中国建筑史上具有重要的地位和影响。
- The author lank to break through the former patterns and provides new insight into Chinese modern architectural history. 试图突破既有的研究范式,为中国近代建筑历史研究提供新的视角和切入点。
- And the adcanced design idea has made Bord's Nest and the Water Cube the important constructions in China's architectural history. “鸟巢”和“水立方”前卫的设计思想,让它们在中国建筑史上占有了重要的位置。
- The returned students of Chinese architectonics in modern times have played a significant role in Chinese architectural history of the modern age. 摘要中国近代建筑学留学生在中国近代建筑史上占据着不可或缺的地位。
- We wish "Beijing Chapter" to be passed by the 20th UIA Congress would be one of the most important chapters in the architectural history in this century. 《雅典宪章》和《马丘比丘宪章》是建筑与城市建设史的里程碑,希望第20届大会通过的《北京宪章》也成为本世纪建筑发展史中最重要的篇章之一。
- This article main commence from the typical decoration patterns of Yuanlin architectures.Discussing its special features and value in the architectural history of our contry. 袁林建筑中的典型装饰图案、装饰特色以及在我国建筑史中的独特价值。
- As we had no actual place, we looked to the spaces we felt our own, and found the patio as the essential place maker throughout our architectural history. 因没有确切的建筑地点,我们思索一些自己感觉自在的空间并发现天井是人类建筑历史上一个重要的空间制造者。
- Once he embarked on the course of exclusionary writing of architectural history, the omission of Chinese and Japanese building that did not structurally relate to the east hall may hae come naturally. 作者认为梁先生这样一位中国最早期的建筑历史学家是在有意识的撰写筛选过的历史。她觉得与刘敦桢先生的建筑史研究相比,梁先生更合适被称为一位建筑技术史家。
- The architectural history interweaves rationality with romance: sometimes rationality covers romance, sometimes quite the contrary, that there is the mutual restriction between them. 摘要一部建筑史是一部理性与浪漫交织的历史,有时理性的凸显掩盖了浪漫,有时则是浪漫掩盖了理性,二者存在着相互制约的规律。
- WISA Wooden Design Hotel is an architectural gem of wood situated in the maritime heart of Helsinki, capital of Finland. Around it lie the city and 200 years of architectural history. WISA木制酒店是木材建筑学上的一个精华案例,它位于芬兰首都赫尔辛基海岸的心脏地带,这一带有着200多年的建筑历史。
- She crammed for her history exam. 她死记硬背以应付历史考试。
- The architecture of Huizhou style is a unique architecture genre in Chinese architecture history. 徽派建筑是中国建筑史上独具特色的一个建筑体系。
- This kind of architectural style depresses me. 这种建筑风格让我感到很压抑。