- Western governments have not dithered. 西方政府还不是犹豫不决,踌躇不前。
- So far, Western governments have yet to recognise Mr Kibaki fully. 到目前为止,西方各国政府还没有完全认可齐贝吉总统。
- When China shot down a defunct weather satellite last January, there were protests from western governments. 去年一月,当中国击落一颗出故障的气象卫星时,西方国家表示了抗议。
- It will be a long slog: Western governments have injected about $450 billion of capital overall. 其路漫漫修远兮:总的来说,西方国家政府已注入约4500亿美元资本。
- The UN, Western governments and those in the region have a moral duty not to give up trying to bring Somalis together. 联合国、西方政府和该地区的其他政府具有道德职责:不能放弃保持索马里完整的尝试。
- A debt crisis, with Western governments defaulting or devaluing, is only one possible outcome. 随着西方政府推迟还贷或者货币贬值,将有可能发生债务危机。
- It is tempting to search for mistakes by Western governments, to look for the culprits who “lost Russia”. 人们渴望检索西方各国政府犯下的错误,搜寻“失去俄罗斯”的罪人。
- With the private sector sitting on its hands, Western governments are lavishing subsidies on CCS. 既然民间部门都对碳撷储袖手旁观,西方各国政府只好往碳撷储砸大钱做补助。
- Yet today, Western governments were professing to judge the Khmer Rouge experiment before an international tribunal. 可是今天,西方政府却专注于把红高棉的实验诉诸于国际裁判庭。
- Western governments perversely permitted the Khmer Rouge to occupy Cambodia's seat in the UN. 西方各国政府也一贯听任红色高棉政权占据柬埔寨在联合国的席位。
- Until now, Western governments have found it relatively easy to sell debt, even as projected issuance has surged. 到目前为止,西方国家政府出售债务还相对容易,哪怕计划发行量激增。
- An Asian partnership with Western governments and institutions aimed at mitigating the effects of chronic disease could have global benefits. 亚洲与西方政府和机构建立的、旨在降低慢性病影响的合作关系将造福全球。
- On my world line in 2011, the United States is in the middle of a civil war that has dramatic effects on most of the other Western governments. 在我的2011年里面,美国处于中等规模的内战并戏剧性的对大多数西方政府产生了影响。
- Western governments are seeking a Security Council resolution that would oblige Iran to halt all uranium enrichment work, or face sanctions. 西方国家政府正在寻求安理会做出决议,要伊朗停止其浓缩铀活动,否则将面临制裁。
- Western governments are seeking a Security Council resolution that would oblige Iran to halt all uranium enrichment work, or face sanctio . 西方国家政府正在寻求安理会做出决议,要伊朗停止其浓缩铀活动,否则将面临制裁。
- Western governments and aid agencies offering to send teams of rescue workers to China were rebuffed yesterday by a senior Chinese official. 主动提出向中国运送救援队的西方政府和救援机构,昨天被一位中国高级官员拒绝。
- And as if your western governments and media are the most trustworthy, righteous, agenda free and whiter than white regimes. 好像你们西方政府和媒体是最可信,最正值,最自由,比白色政权还纯洁的。
- Struggling Western governments are looking with anxiety at China's falling growth rate, now projected unofficially to be a mere 6 per cent this year. 困顿的西方政府看着中国经济增长放缓,心里焦急。按照非正式预测,中国今年的增长率仅为6%25。
- The need to diversify their holdings away from US Treasuries and other Western governments' debt was the key motive for forming China's first sovereign wealth fund. 设立第一个中国财富主权基金的主要动机是多样化原本投资于美国国债和其他西方国家政府债券的外汇储备。
- Like many Western governments, the Gulf monarchies remain concerned that Iran's nuclear programme is oddly shaped for civilian-only purposes (see article). 和很多希望政府一样,海湾国家也担心伊朗的核计划是否真的只是出于民用目的。