- Western value theory 西方价值理论
- The theory of labor is the basis of labor value theory. 劳动理论构成劳动价值理论的基础。
- Value theory for measuring value of forest resources. 森林资源货币计量中的价值论基础。
- Axiology and value theory rose with the emergence of modem psychology. 摘要哲学价值论在19世纪末的兴起有其特定的心理学背景。
- The labor value theory of Marx is the cornerstone of whole plutonomy. 马克思的劳动价值理论是整个政治经济学的基石。
- Deepening the cognition on safety value theory has great practical significance. 安全价值理论认识的深化具有很大的现实意义。
- Molybdenum of oxidation of brand of Jin Duicheng JDC and molybdenum iron clinch a deal valence approachs western value. 金堆城JDC品牌氧化钼和钼铁成交价接近西方价。
- The value theory system expounded in"Das Kapital" is actually "productivity value theory". 《资本论》展述的价值理论体系实际是“生产力价值论”。
- Traditionally, philosophy has been partitioned into three areas: epistemology, metaphysics, and value theory. 哲学在传统上分为三个领域:认识论、形而上学和价值理论。
- Indoor radon distribution in Switzerland: lognormality and Extreme Value Theory. 瑞士室内氡气分布:对数常态及极端值理论。
- A "realism" entirely indifferent to western values would be one blunder. 一种完全无视西方价值观的“现实主义”,会是一个重大失误。
- In this paper, global and local indoor radon distributions are modeled using Extreme Value Theory (EVT). 本文中全球及地区室内氡气浓度分布使用极端值理论。
- Title: Oppugnation of Value Theory with Extensive Sense --Discussion with Liu Youyuan et al. 关键词:劳动;抽象劳动;价值;劳动价值论
- This is the significance of the value theory and the transformation analysis to Marx. 对马克思来说,这正是价值理论和转型分析的意义所在。
- Inner value theory is a viewpoint of nature levels. It stands for a natural purpose, not for a kind of spirit. 内在价值理论是一种自然层面的观点,它代表了一种自然的目性,而不是精神的目的性。
- The relationship of labour value theory and distribution is the reflection of production and distribution. 劳动价值论与分配的关系,是生产与分配关系的反映。
- After World War II this condemnation made it seem an embodiment of Western values. 第二次世界大战以后这种指责使它看来变成了西方价值标准的化身。
- The foundation of Maxist labour value theory discloses the contraditation between capitalist labour and capital. 马克思劳动价值论的确立,揭示了资本主义劳动和资本的矛盾。
- Expectation value theory assumes everyone is rational, and this can't explain why insurance is purchased. 摘要期望值理论假定人们都是理性的,无法解释人们为何投保。
- The work is carried out according to China's actual conditions,not according to Western values. 中国的民主与法制建设是按中国的国情进行的,不能按西方的价值观进行。