- The access points of the western language books mainly include: ISBN,responsible authors,titles,subject headings,class number, etc. 讨论了ISBN、责任者、题名、主题词、分类号等检索点的著录。
- photocopied western language books 影印版西文图书
- Cataloguing for western language books 西文编目
- catalog of western language books 西文图书编目
- Western language books cataloging 西文编目
- Chinese and Western language books 中西文图书
- photoengraved western language book 影印版西文图书
- Western language book description 西文图书著录
- The paper discusses how to catalogue the edition statement when the original edition statement of the authorized reprinted edition of western languages books appears on the Chinese title page. 摘要本文讨论了西文授权重印版图书的原版书的版次出现在中文题名页上,版本项应如何著录的问题。
- On Means of Defining Chinese and Western Language Books 浅谈中西文图书的界定方法
- cataloguing western languages books in China 西文分编
- Western languages books cataloguing 西文图书编目
- Western languages books description 西文图书著录
- Study of Bibliographical Control of Western Language Books in TSU Library 清华大学图书馆西文书目控制研究
- Ideas on the Description of Authorized Photo-offset Western Language Books 授权重印版西文图书著录问题的思考
- western languages book cataloging 西文图书编目
- A Brief Talk on the Book Review of Western Language Books in College Libraries 谈谈高校图书馆西文图书书评工作
- Some Issues in the CIP of Authorized Facsimile Reprint Western Language Books 授权影印版西文图书在版编目存在的问题及对策
- The authorized reprinted edition of western languages books 西文授权重印版图书
- A Summary Research on the Cataloguing of the Authorized Photo-offset Western Language Books 影印版西文图书著录研究综述