- Prospect of Computer Cata loguing work for Western Language Document in China 我国西文文献计算机编目工作展望
- ASM and C language document OS_CPU_C in processor. ASM及C语言文件OS_CPU_C.;C。
- At Fudun Law Firm Aminata performs basic English language document editing and will aid a little with the Fudun website. 阿米娜塔在富顿律师事务所担任基本的英文编辑和维护富顿网站。
- The document is translated from English language document "An Unparalleled Tradition of Financial Strength" and it's for information purpose only. 本文根据英文“业绩辉煌,实力雄厚”一文翻译,仅作提供资讯之用。
- The access points of the western language books mainly include: ISBN,responsible authors,titles,subject headings,class number, etc. 讨论了ISBN、责任者、题名、主题词、分类号等检索点的著录。
- The Holy Bible is considered to be an important source of western language culture as well as a classical religious masterpiece. 《圣经》不仅是一部经典的宗教著作,也是西方语言文化的源泉。
- The DMC shall specify which version shall prevail in the event of a dispute as to the effect of the Chinese translation and the English language document. 公契须说明如因中译本及英文原文的效力问题引起争议,应以何种文本为准。
- This paper brings forward that different cataloguing criterion of western language literature cause the lack of standards and rules in author-item. 论文提出西文文献的著录由于依据的标准不同,导致文献责任项的著录缺少标准和规范。
- This paper brings forward that different cataloguing criterion of western language literature cause the lack of standards and roles in author-item. 论文提出西文文献的著录由于依据的标准不同,导致文献责任项的著录缺少标准和规范。
- For specific event syntax, see your programming language documentation. 如需具体的事件语法,请参见编程语言文档。
- western languages documents 西文文献
- This paper hriefly introduces the test prosesses the form of the MBMIS from the DCS and code conversion between memory code words of character under Chinese and character of ASCII of western language. 本文介绍了由“数字地籍测量系统(DCS)”注记信息形成“军队基建营房图形管理信息系统(MBMIS)”注记图元的过程以及西文字符的ASCII码与中文方式下相应字符的机内码转换算法。
- "Text" is a polysemous word in Western languages, and is used toward popularization in modem multidisciplinary language situations. 文本概念在西语中是一个多义词,在当代多学科的语用环境中呈普适化趋势。
- These equations form the core of a mathematical'language'that can be applied to virtually any western languages. 这些方程构成了实际上几乎可以应用到任何西方语言上的数学“语言”的核心。
- This update improves how Office 2003 programs find and correct errors in German language documents. 此更新改进了Office 2003程序在德语文档中查找和更正错误的方式。
- This update significantly improves how Office 2003 programs find and correct errors in Dutch language documents. 此更新明显改进了Office 2003程序在荷兰语文档中查找和更正错误的方式。
- Foreign Language Document Collections Database 馆藏西文文献数据库
- This update to Microsoft Office 2003 Proofing Tools improves how Office 2003 finds and corrects errors in Dutch language documents. 此更新用于Microsoft Office 2003校对工具,它改进了Office 2003在荷兰语文档中查找和更正错误的方式。
- Units or details to be memorized in order to express oneself correctly are considerably more numerous in Western languages than in Chinese or Esperanto. 为了准确表达自己,英语中集合和细节的记忆量显然要比汉语和世界语可怕得多。
- This update to Microsoft Office XP Proofing Tools improves how Office XP finds and corrects errors in Dutch language documents. 此Microsoft Office XP校对工具更新改进了Office XP程序在荷兰语文档中查找和更正错误的方式。