- In Buddhism we talk about samsara and nirvana.Samsara is where there’s all this delusion. 在佛法中,我们谈到轮回与涅盘,轮回是有这些妄想的地方。
- What' s all this fuss about ? 为什么这样忙乱?
- And what’s the point of all this fancy physics? 这样新奇的物理意义何在?
- All this is so; but what of this, my lord? 这一切都是如此; 但这件事的重要性如何呢,老爷?
- Do I have to take all this medicine? I wonder what pill be for what? 我得吃这么多药呀?到底哪一种药对哪一种病有效?
- It'd be a pity if all this work went to waste. 如果所有这一切工作都白干了,那多可惜。
- All this toughness does not sit well with everyone. 所有这种强硬的做法并非人人都能接受。
- I'm fed up with all this argument. 我受够了这种争论。
- The equilibrium price is decided by game of argy bargy between maximum price and minimum price. 确定被收购企业可以接收的最低价格 .;实际的并购成交价格将通过双方讨价还价的搏弈;在两种价格之间达到均衡
- The Palace won't like all this gossip. 国王不会喜欢这些流言蜚语的。
- "From time to time there's going to be argy bargy about foreign investment considerations," he said. 他说:“有时候对于外国投资会有些争论。”
- What will you pay me for all this old junk? 所有这些旧货卖给你,你给多少钱?
- What have you been doing all this while? 这一阵子你一直在做什么?
- I wish you hadn't told me all this. 我倒希望你当初别把这一切都告诉我。
- All this is totally unnecessary. 所有这些完全都是多余的。
- What's to be done with all this stuff in the attic? 顶楼上的材料怎么处理?
- He pretends to be busy, but it' s all eyewash. 他假装很忙,其实纯属欺骗。
- All this hard work is knackering me. 所有这些艰巨的工作把我累得筋疲力尽。
- Basically, it 's all a question of upbringing . 这基本上全是一个教养的问题。
- I' m afraid it' s all a dreadful mistake. 看来全都大错特错了.