- What comes next is to beat the eggs. 接下来是打蛋。
- I've completed this task; what comes next? 我已经完成了这项任务,接下来做什么。
- So, at the dawn of the new century, what comes next? 面对新世纪的来临,人类的太空计划将会何去何从?
- America's houses are being repossessed at a record rate. What comes next? 美国的房屋收回率正在刷新记录,然后呢?
- When all this is over, I assured them, what comes next will seem a doddle. 我向她们保证,这一切结束之后,以后遇到的事情都只是小菜一碟。
- I know the first verse of the poem, but I don't know what comes next. 我知道这首诗的第一节,但我不知道第二节。
- The only thing that makes life possible is permanent intolerable uncertainty; not knowing what comes next. 唯一使生命成为可能的是其令人永远无法忍受的不确定性,你不知道接下来会发生什么事。
- Activity must be centered at a given time in such a way as to prepare for what comes next. 活动必要在一定时间这样地加以集中,以便准备下一个活动。
- The launch of the Soviet Sputnik satellite half a century ago inaugurated the Space Age. What comes next? 半世纪前,苏联史波尼克号卫星升空,揭开太空时代的序幕,下一步我们该做什麽呢?
- No prizes for guessing what comes next: companies are about to undergo a similar transformation. 接下来的发展不言自明,无需猜测:企业将经历类似的转变。
- The effect of using a colon is to suggest that what comes next is a more specific example. 使用冒号,就意味着接下来会给出一个明确的例子。
- The way people comport themselves after losing a job can make all the difference in what comes next. 人们失业之后的举止谈吐可能会决定未来的求职进展。
- Once you make your decision, you will walk over the transom to your new life, and you will actually love what comes next. 一旦你做出了决定,你就会走出阴霾看到你的新生活,你会真正的爱上接下来将发生的事情。
- Prince Herry himself admits that training here in the centers was not easy for him, what comes next was even more of challenge. 王子承认训练对他来说不容易,但是接下来他所面对的将更具挑战性。
- The news that you or your child has ALL brings up many feelings.People dealing with ALL face unknowns about what comes next. 你或你的孩子患了急淋的消息会让人百感交集,不知道接下来面对的是什么。
- After a new round of merger and acquisition, what comes next will be a scenario of monopoly of the four oligarchies in the industry. 经过新一轮合并,接下来你将会看到的是此行业的四寡头垄断格局。
- The president refused to allow the people their right to vote; what came next was demonstration and violence. 总统拒绝人民行使选举权,结果导致示威和暴力。
- Previously,if I had been really interested in a book,I would race from page to page,eager to know what came next. 在那以前,我要是对一本书真感兴趣,我往往一页一页拼命往下翻,急于要知道下文的究竟。
- Previously, if I had been really interested in a book, I would race from page to page, eager to know what came next. 在那以前,我要是对一本书真感兴趣,我往往一页一页拼命往下翻,急于要知道下文的究竟。
- What comes next? 接下去是什么?[接下去干什么?]