- What happened to the missing Martin Mariner? 不见的马丁水手发生了什么事情?
- What happens to the pioneer spirit? 美国人的开拓精神哪儿去了呢?
- Dr. Smith, what happened to the dinosaurs? 史密斯博士,什么发生在恐龙身上了?
- What happened to the Office Assistant? Office助手的新变化?
- What happen to the impurity? 杂质又如何处理呢?
- What happened to the beauty I had inside of me? 我所拥有的内在的美丽究竟怎么了?
- What happened to the kids yesterday? 昨天那些孩子发生什么事了?
- What happened to the people on the earth? 地球上的人出什么事了?
- What happens to the things that they used to do so? 那她们用来自杀的工具上哪了?
- What happened to the locale setting? 本地设定发生了什么?
- What happened to the text pop ups? 象3代那样拣东西时出现的)文字怎么不见了?
- Then what happens to the steel ? 那么钢水的情况又怎么样呢?
- Q2: (v.18) What happened to the Nazarite's locks? (18节)怎样处理纳齐尔人的头发?
- What happened to the hellcat at the end? 巫婆最後怎么了?
- Helen was the first person to break the ice by telling us what happened to her on the way to the party. 海伦是第一个开始讲话的人。她把来参加聚会途中所发生的事情告诉了我们。
- By the way, what happen to the Selangor MBs cow case? 如果人人都是老油条,反贪委会只能怨叹天外有天!
- By the way, what happened to the money? 顺便问一句,那笔钱后来怎么样了?
- What happens to the tea once it's been plucked? 茶叶采下之后怎么办?
- What Happened to the Bin Directory? 目录发生了什么?
- What happened to the Euro converter? 欧元转换器发生了什么变化?