- What is its purpose? 它的任务是什么呢?
- What is an anticodon, and what is its function? 什麽是反密码子,功能为?
- If it is a transitive verb, what is its object? 如果是及物动词,它的宾语是什么?
- What is factoring and what is its origin? 什么是保理及其来源?
- What is its significance clinically? 临床上有何意义?
- What type of data is stored and what is its criticality? 存储什么类型的数据,它的危险程度如何?
- When a thread is created and started, what is its initial state? 当一个线程被创建和开始执行,其初始状态是什么?
- Designate: what is its meaning in Chinese and English? 中文的意思是命名、指定。
- How is brothers mouth disease caused? What is its symptom? ? 手足口病是怎样引起的?它的症状是什么??
- It looks like milk, and it is nontoxic, but pressworking, not refreshment, is its purpose. 它像牛奶,而且无毒,不过它不是饮料而是冲压用的。
- Its purpose is to find out where is its innovative point and play demonstrative role to talents training in higher vocational colleges. 其目的有二,一是寻找出二年制高职人才培养模式究竟有哪些创新之处;二是使其真正对高职人才培养起到示范性的作用。
- What is its cost position compared with competitors? 与其他竞争者相比,公司有没有成本优势?
- The grant of power is its purpose, and its purpose is a public one, not the purpose of enriching publishers, nor even primarily the purpose of rewarding authors. 授予权力是其目的,而且这个目的是一个公共目的,不是为了养富出版商,甚至也不主要是为了回馈著作者。
- What is its plan and timeframe to make such notifications? 美国拟做出通报的计划和时间表是什么?
- What is the purpose of his visit? 他来访的目的是什么?
- What is the purpose of our being? 我们生存的目的是什么?
- That is its purpose. 这就是它的目的。”
- What is making the industry ripe for restructuring is its operational gearing. 使得基金行业重组时机成熟的是它的经营杠杆。
- Its purpose is to provide fast turnaround. 它的目的是为了提供快速交接。
- If a noble steed can be reined, what is its difference from a dog or a lamb? 使骐骥可得系羁兮,岂云异夫犬羊!