- Wheeler and Johnson test 惠-约二氏试验:检尿嘧啶及胞嘧啶
- Leach and Johnson had quickly reinforced by some of their mates. 李区和约翰很快就得到了他们一些伙伴的增援。
- What happened to the rights of walkers, wheelers and runners? 行人、跑步者和轮椅使用者的权利怎么会这样?
- Meanwhile, Mahone slips away from Wheeler and Lang to a roadside stop restroom.He takes a pipe from the sink. 同时,马宏征得惠勒和兰的同意,去公路旁的一个洗手间方便,他偷偷在水池上卸下了一根铁管。
- If you need a new car, try speaking to John. He's a bit of a wheeler and dealer. 三峡,宜昌,中国宜昌三峡传媒网,三峡日报,宜昌日报,三峡商报,三峡社区,三峡论坛,宜昌论坛,宜昌市人民政府新闻网
- Rowsey and Johnson recommend preservative-free tears because they are the most soothing and have fewer additives that could potentially irritate. 罗塞博士和约翰逊博士都推荐不含防腐剂的人造泪,因为它们是最舒缓的,所含可能刺激眼睛的添加剂也更少。
- Wheeler and colleagues were an essential part of this reductionist perspective, as the 50 Wheeler monographs on specific esoteric ant behaviors testify. 惠勒和他的同事们是这种还原观点的主要拥护者,惠勒(Wheeler)写就的五十篇关于神秘的蚂蚁行为细节的专题论文可以为证。
- That's it for England and Cole and Johnson are now free to go on their holidays. 这样英格兰队的北美热身到此结束,科尔和约翰森现在可以自由地渡假了。
- The 4-phase model of the human sexual response according to Masters and Johnson. 玛斯特斯和约翰逊的4-相性反应模式。
- Many of the exercises of mutual pleasuring recommended by Masters and Johnson belong in this category. 马斯特斯和约翰逊推荐了许多诸如此类相互愉悦的性行为练习。
- I still think our team will win. Davis is great at rebounding and Johnson is the best forward. 我还是觉得我们这队会赢。戴维斯很会抢篮板球,强森又是最棒的前锋。
- Smet, R.P. and Johnson, R.E.,"An Asymptotic Analysis of Cold Sheet Rolling", ASME J.Appl. 余哲良,"冷间压延润滑理论之基础研究",中山大学机械工程研究所硕士论文,1995。
- I think he imagined that if I went to Wheeler and asked him about Smiley, then Wheeler would make up a story and bore me to death with some terribly long, exasperating, useless tale. 我估计他是这么想的:你找到惠勒问斯麦尔利的事,老惠就会编个又臭又长又无聊的故事来挤兑你。
- The crisis put his courage and skill to the test. 这次危难是对他的勇气和技能的考验。
- And Johnson was in 2004 when he was Vandeweghe move to Denver in the RUF, in effect after. 而约翰逊则是在2004年时被范德维奇招至掘金阵中,后效力于。
- Sponsored driven projects in past years have included those from Pfizer Health Solutions, Merck, Johnson and Johnson, Mass General, and Warner Lambert. 过去几年赞助导向的计划包含从辉瑞保健公司、克集团、生集团、省总医院、华纳兰伯特药厂。
- I hit him fair and square on the jaw. 我不偏不倚打中他的下巴。
- Masters and Johnson found only one sexual response pattern in males. However, in females, they discovered some possible variations. 马斯特斯和约翰逊发现了在男性仅有一次性反应的模式。但是,他们发现了女性的一些可能的性反应模式。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。
- She and I can't live under the same roof. 她和我不能住在一起。