- We burst into tears at the sad sight of the hungry children. 看到孩子们挨饿的情景我们不禁留下了眼泪。
- When We Burst Into Tears 当我们落泪时
- When she saw me she burst into tears. 她一看见我就放声大哭。
- My wife burst into tears when she heard the bad news. 我太太听到这个坏消息就哭了起来。
- Somehow or other, the baby burst into tears. 那个婴儿不知为什么大哭起来。
- Hearing the joke, we burst into spontaneous laughter. 听到笑话,我们不由自主地大笑起来。
- Burst out laughing; burst into tears. 突然大笑起来; 突然哭起来
- The poor girl burst into tears when she heard the bad news . 听到这坏消息,可怜的女孩子突然哭了起来。
- The poor girl burst into tears when she heard the bad news. 听到这坏消息,可怜的女孩子突然哭了起来。
- At the thought of her lost baby, she would burst into tears. 一想起失去的孩子,她就会泪流满面。
- We knew it was all over when we saw the building burst into flame. 当我们看见那座建筑突然起火时,我们知道一切全完了。
- At the bare thought of her lost baby, she would burst into tears. 一想起失去的孩子,她就会泪流满面。
- We knew it was all over when we saw the building burst into flames. 当我们看见那座建筑突然起火时,我们知道一切完了。
- Hardly had she entered the room when she burst into tears. 她一进入房间就泪如雨下。
- She burst into tears when she heard of her death of the mother. 当她听到她妈妈去世的消息时,她放声大哭。
- I broke the news to her and she burst into tears. 我把消息告诉了她,结果她突然大哭了起来。
- Burst into tears,song,angry speech. 突然哭、唱、吵起来。
- We burst into excited shouts like boys winning a Little League Championship. 我们象小孩子赢得少棒冠军似的放声呐喊。
- He looked as if he was about to burst into tears. 他看上去马上就会泪流满面.
- He burst into tears and stormed off. 他突然哭了起来,气呼呼地跑了。