- The little donkey rolled on the ground. 小驴在地上打滚。
- Little Donkey left the turnip on her table . 因此小驴子把罗卜放在牠的桌上,
- There 's little ink in the inkbottle. 墨水瓶里几乎没墨水了。
- My name ‘s little Dopy.I’m very slow. 1. 我的名字叫小迟钝,我很慢。
- Where's Little Donkey? 小驴子去哪里了?
- But no excuse would do.The little donkey insisted on learning to play the lute. 但他的推脱没用,驴儿要弹琴,非学弹琴不可。
- At four, my grandfather bought me a little donkey named Sultan. Although Sultan seldom budged, I spent many hours just happily sitting on his back. 4岁时,我的祖父给我买了一头名叫苏丹的小毛驴。虽然苏丹几乎站着不动,但我很开心地长时间骑在它背上。
- Jane' s less beautiful than Mary. 简不如玛丽漂亮。
- "It is all right with me," said the little donkey, then took a seat at her side and ate, behaving himself like a real gentleman. “那我是求之不得的呢!”驴儿一边说,一边紧挨着公主坐下。他又吃又喝,既举止优雅,又注意清洁卫生。
- May I ask a few more questions about that point? It 's little obscure . 关于那个论点我可以问一些问题吗?它有点儿模糊不清。
- A goat tied with a rope is dozing and chewing, stretched out in the sun, and a hairy little donkey is frisking about, kicking at the air like a mad creature. 一只被绳索拴着得小羊还没有完全清醒,嘴里嚼着口香糖,在阳光下伸着懒腰,一头长着浓发的小驴四处寻摸,发疯般的踢腾着。
- That opened the gatekeeper's eyes, and he ran to the king, saying, "A little donkey is sitting outside the gate playing the lute as good as an accomplished master. 守城门的人听得睁大了眼,赶忙跑去报告国王:“门外坐着头驴子,琴儿弹得有大师那么棒。”
- A goat tied with a rope is dozingand chewing, stretched out in thesun, and a hairy little donkey isfrisking about, kicking at the airlike a mad creature. 一只被绳子拴着的山羊懒洋洋地瘫在太阳下面,一边打盹儿一边不住地咀嚼,而一头很多毛的小驴子似乎在寻找着什么,躁动不安地撅着蹄子。
- There' s little merit in passing the driving test if you don' t have a car of your own. 如果你没有自己的汽车,通过驾驶考试也没什么价值。
- Little Donkey came home. 小驴子回到家里。
- But as Pinker’s little friends consume the book, it becomes clear that he’s a geek. 总之,中国难以承担多哈回合失败造成的沉重代价,应该提高对当前谈判的重视,更加积极主动参与,推动谈判取得最佳效果。
- That's where the real danger lies. 这正是真正的危险所在。
- Given the diligence with which Arenas has rehabbed from his most recent injury, there\'s little question that Agent Zero will return as before. 为了恢复伤病,重新找回状态,阿瑞纳斯努力训练,问题是之前的0号是否能回来。
- Matos is organizing an FIU lecture series this semester on the Islam’s little known history in Latin America, she said. 马特思这学期在佛罗里达国际大学组织了一系列讲座,在拉丁美洲讲授“伊斯兰鲜为人知的历史”,她说。
- He uses his loaf where you and I just muddle along. 他开动脑筋想办法,你我则糊里糊涂混日子。