- Where do your character live? 你的角色住在哪儿?
- Meg, where do your grandmothers live? 麦戈,你的祖母们住在哪里?
- Where does your pen friend live? 你的笔友住在什么地方?
- Where do you do your bird watching? 你在那里赏鸟?
- Where do your brother teach maths? 你兄弟在哪里教数学?
- LL: Where does your BFF, Guo Xiaoqian, live now? 小倩现在也在美国,是一家公关公司的部门经理。
- How much does your character weigh? 你的角色有多重?
- If so, how did your character acquire them? 如果有的话,为甚麽会有?
- Who does your character despise and why? 你的角色会鄙视些甚麽?为何会这样?
- Do your characters in your name mean anything? 你名字里面的字有什么意思吗?
- Does your character have a great artistic skill? 您的性格有很大的艺术技巧?
- Where does your brother teach maths ? 你兄弟在哪里教数学?
- Where does your father work? Can you tell us? 你能告诉我们你爸爸在哪里工作吗?
- If you don't work, where does your bread and cheese come? 你不工作的话,靠什么来生活?
- Does your character have a notorious or celebrated ancestor? 你拥有一个万世流芳或者遗臭万年的祖先吗?
- Does your character resemble some currently known person? 你的角色长得某现存的人物吗?
- Where did your brother study before he became an artist? 你弟弟成为艺术家前在哪里读书?
- Does your character have any scars, tattoos, or birthmarks? 你的角色有没有疤狠、剌青、胎记?
- Concerning Your source of inspiration, where do Your visions and colors come from? 再来谈谈您的灵感来源,请问您构图和色彩运用的灵感来自何处?
- Where did your sister spring from? I thought she was in Europe. 你妹妹是从哪里蹦出来的?我还以为她在欧洲呢。