- Where will you be next year at this time? 明年这个时候你将在哪儿?
- Where will you be ten years later? 十年后你会在哪里?
- I.O.: Where will you be staying? 入境官员:你们将会在哪儿停留?
- Sadie : Lucky you. Where will you be going? 赛?f:你真幸福。会去哪里呢?
- Where will you be next February? 明年二月你会在什么地方?
- Where will you be next Wednesday? (下个星期三你会在那里?)
- Where will you be when they're vilifying? 当他们诋毁(我)的时候你会在哪里?
- Mary will get married one of these fine days,and then where will you be? 玛丽将在最近某一天完婚,届时你会在哪儿?
- Mary will get married one of these fine days, and then where will you be? 玛丽将在最近某一天完婚,届时你会在哪儿?
- In ten years, who will you live together with? Where will you be? What will you do? What kind of life will you lead? 未来十年后,你会和谁在一起,在哪里,从事什么工作,是什么生活状态?
- Where will you live when you are abroad?I will stay in the local family arranged by school. 中->英 出国你准备住在哪? 我将住在学校安排的住宿家庭里!
- If you take them, where will you go? 如果你带他们去,你们要去哪儿?
- Where will you go when the seminary closes? 神学院放假后,你打算上哪去呢?
- Where will you pass the summer holidays? 你将在何处度暑假?
- I bid you each evening a solemn farewell! Octogenarian Eve s, upon whom rests God's terrible claw, where will you be tomorrow? 毁灭!我的家!哦,同类同属的头脑!每一个晚上,我向你们致以郑重的告别!身上压着上帝那可怕爪子的八十岁的夏娃,明天你们将在哪里?
- Quesiton1: if you are traveling in a new city, where will you choose to eat? At a decently well-decorated restaurant or just a simple greasy spoon? 问题1如果你在一个城市旅行你会选择在什么地方吃饭?是在一个装修考究的餐厅还是仅仅在简单的路边小吃店呢?
- If we offer you the job, when will you be free to join us? 如果我们给你这个工作,你什么时候可以到我们这儿来。
- Where will you find the fullness of your blood? 你该去哪寻找这种满足?
- Where will you go on your vacation? 你假期去哪儿?
- Where will you is this after noon? 今天下年你在哪儿?