- Whose hands are the dirtiest? 谁的手最脏?
- A merchant, in whose hands are false balances, He loves to oppress. 何12:7以法莲是商人、里有诡诈的天平、行欺骗。
- In whose hands are wicked schemes, whose right hands are full of bribes. 他们的手中有奸恶,右手满有贿赂。
- Hands are the ruination of many portraits. 手是许多人像的败笔之处。
- Myth: Toilet Seats Are the Dirtiest Thing in the Bathroom. 误传:廁所坐便器是最脏的。
- Kids charged down to their grandfather, whose hands were full of candies. 看到他手里拿满了糖果,孩子们冲下去扑向他们的祖父。
- The guards are the dirtiest gang in this whole place. 这个地方最肮脏的帮派。
- You are the dirty, vile, treacherous sod. 你是个卑鄙、恶劣、奸诈的酒鬼。
- One's own hands are the surest and prompt help. 自己动手搞,迅速又可靠。
- Voice, but the hands are the hands of Esau. 以扫的手。
- Another way to become sick is to eat food prepared by someone whose hands were not clean. 另一个致病的途径是吃了那些手不干净的人准备的食物。
- "Salah Shehadeh was a Hamas activist, an arch-murderer whose hands were stained with the blood of about 100 Israelis," he said. 他说“萨拉赫苏舍哈德是一个哈马斯的活跃分子,一个双手沾满百名以色列人鲜血的凶手。”
- A nun whose hands are red, swollen and cracked is sent to House.The nun believes it is stigmata, but House suspects an allergic reaction. 一个修女向医神求诊,她双手发红并生满水泡,医神认为她对洗洁精过敏而成皮肤炎,给她抗组胺剂并建议她自行购买不用医生处方的可体松药膏。
- The 23-year-old whose hands were heavily bandaged spoke to a judge in English, and was, according to reports, calm and collected. 这位双手被厚厚地包扎着的23岁的年轻人用英语对法官陈述,据称其当时镇定自若。
- The extreme precariousness, the lack of proper sanitary conditions and the clear disrespect for these people whose hands are shaping Chinese urban future are calling for reaction. 这群人生活极端不稳定,缺乏基本的卫生条件和尊重,但是正是他们在塑造中国的未来,他们呼唤人们对此作出回应。
- He turned out to be the dirty cop. (到最后原来他是坏警察)。
- I find more bitter than death the woman who is a snare, whose heart is a trap and whose hands are chains.The man who pleases God will escape her, but the sinner she will ensnare. 26我得知有等妇人、比死还苦、他的心是网罗、手是锁鍊.凡蒙神喜悦的人、必能躲避他.有罪的人、却被他缠住了。
- Her eyes are the most catching I have ever seen. 她的眼睛是我见到过的最迷人的。
- The girl's hands were chapped by the cold. 那个女孩的手因寒冷而冻裂。
- Stress can be the undoing of so many fine players. 紧张可能是这许多优秀选手失败的原因。