- Why do we have eyebrows? 我们为何有眉毛?
- Why do we have to board in the front of the bus? 我们为什么得到前门上车?
- Why do we have to buy round trip tickets? 那为什么我们必须买往返票呢?
- Why do we have such wishful thinking? 为什么我们会有这种一厢情愿的想法呢?
- Why do we have dreams and nightmares? 为什么我们会做恶梦?
- Why do we have homework to do every other week? 为什么我们每两个礼拜就有作业要交?
- Why do we have three branches of government? 为什么我们要有三权分立的政府?
- Why do we have to be practical all the time? 我们为什么总是要这么实际?
- Why do we have to respect our parents? 为什么要尊重父母?
- Master, why do we have physical ailments? 亲爱的师父,为何我们会有身体的病痛?
- Knowledge: Why do we have day and night? 小知识:我们为什么有白天和夜晚?
- Dan: Why do we have to carpool? 阿丹:为什么我们要共乘?
- Why do we have only one alternate juror? 为什么只一名候补陪审员?
- Introduction: Why do we have conflicts? 介绍:为什么我们会发生冲突?
- Why do we have to hurt each other? 为什麽我们不由的伤害对方?
- Why do we have fortnightly pay at Crown Macau? 问:澳门皇冠为何实施双周薪酬支付制度?
- Jason: Why do we have to get Nachos? 杰森:麦琪,你怎么现在要吃东西?
- Dan: Why do we have to carpool? 阿丹:为什么我们要共乘?
- Why do we have 13 stripes on the flag? 问:为什麽国旗上有13条条纹?
- Eck, why do we have to enter the real world at all? 干嘛非要长大,非要进入社会呢?