- Why are these products so bad? 为何这些产品如此糟糕
- Why are these two existential checks bad? 这两个存在检查为何不好?
- Why are these laws universally recognized to be so important? 为什么这些法律被全球公认为非常重要?
- You ask a very legitimate question, why are whites so bad? 这个注册说明不能说明这个狗的品质。
- Why are these low-ranking males taking part in so many matings? 为什麽这些低阶雄性会干下那麽多好事?
- Still, why are these insecure new consumers paying so much for their props? 尽管如此,为什么这些不安的顾客会为这个小道具支付那么多费用呢?
- By the way, why are these flashes of color so noticeable with Capella? 顺便提下,为什么五车二的光芒如此引人注目呢?
- Why are these two probabilities different? 为什么这两个几率不同?
- Why are these left all the years through unsought? 为甚麽这些卵石总没有人来采集呢?
- Carol: Why are these men tormenting me? 卡罗尔:这个男人干嘛跟我过不去。
- "People can't help but ask, 'Why are these fake reporters so savage?' " the news agency said in a Dec. 12 editorial. “人们不仅要问,为什么这些假记者们这么猖狂?”这家新闻机构在12月12日的社论中说到。
- Why are these projects likely to confer robust mouse rejuvenation? 为什么这些项目能使小鼠健壮返老还童?
- Why were these nationalities chosen? 为何选择这些国家?
- Why are these formats available, with their various complexities and costs? 为什么是这些格式可得到的他们的各种各样复杂性和成本?
- Cheer up! Things are not so bad as they seem. 振作起来!情况并不象看上去那样糟。
- These products are for home sale. 这些产品是供国内销售的。
- Going in for weight loss surgery is about the most opposite you can get from natural weight loss, so why are these doctors pushing it? 走在即将进行减肥手术,你从对面最自然减肥为什么这些医生推?
- Why are these inconsiderate road behaviors so common in Singapore, when its citizens are regularly held up by others as law-abiding? 新加坡人时常被外人视为奉公守法的好榜样,那为什么还会有这么多人违反交通条例?
- Her teeth are so bad that she needs five extractions. 她牙齿坏得厉害,得拔掉五颗。
- Why are these inconsiderate road behaviours so common in Singapore, when its citizens are regularly held up by others as law-abiding? 新加坡人时常被外人视为奉公守法的好榜样,那为什么还会有这么多人违反交通条例?