- Why the Taliban Stirs Again 塔利班缘何死灰复燃
- It was not clear why the lottery was halted during the chaotic civil war of the early 1990s,but most forms of entertainment were banned under the solemn and destructionist rule of the Taliban who swept to power in 1996 and were sent packing last year. 于某种原因,彩票抽奖活动在90年代初阿富汗混乱的内战期间就终止了。1996年塔利班上台后实行阴沉毁灭主义的统治,大多数娱乐形式都被禁止了。值得庆幸的是塔利班政府去年已经土崩瓦解了。
- It was not clear why the lottery was halted during the chaotic civil war of the early 1990s, but most forms of entertainment were banned under the solemn and destructionist rule of the Taliban who swept to power in 1996 and were sent packing last year. 于某种原因彩票抽奖活动在90年代初阿富汗混乱的内战期间就终止了。1996年塔利班上台后实行阴沉毁灭主义的统治,大多数娱乐形式都被禁止了。值得庆幸的是塔利班政府去年已经土崩瓦解了。
- She knows why the metal is the good conductor. 她知道金属为什么是好的导体。
- "There is an uncompromising core of the Taliban. 他说:“塔利班有一个绝不妥协的核心。
- Nobody knew why the attendance had dropped away in recent months. 没有人知道为什么近几个月来出席人数越来越少。
- So the people go to the Taliban. 所以人们都愿意去找塔利班。”
- That is why the machine parts were wearing away during use. 那就是机器零件在使用过程中磨损的原因。
- The detective tried to dope out why the man was murdered. 侦探们试图搞清那人被害的原因。
- He didn't quite understand why the deal fell through. 他不十分理解为什么这场交易失败了。
- Do you know why the river narrows here? 你知道为什么河道在这儿会变窄吗?
- Who knows why the plaster is scaling off so soon? 谁知道灰泥为什么这么快就剥落了?
- The Taliban had threatened to attack voters. 塔利班已威胁要攻击投票者。
- Pour lime juice into a glass filled with ice. Fill with club soda and stir. Add grenadine and stir again. 加入酸橙汁及苏打水轻搅,再入石榴汁轻搅。
- That is why the motor is so widely used . 这就是电动机为什么如此广泛使用的原因。
- In Old Tong Bao's heart, numbed wooden by a lifetime of poverty and hardship, suddenly hope began to stir again. 他的被穷苦弄麻木了的老心里勃然又生出来新的希望来了。
- Ask him why the train has been delayed. 问他火车为什么误点。
- Why the other girls obey their boyfriends? 别人的女朋友对男朋友都是千依百顺的。
- At the very least, say officers, NATO will not again be caught by surprise when, as expected, the Taliban step up the fight in the spring. 官员们说,至少至少,北约不必再为意料之中的塔利班春季进攻而惊讶。
- The Taliban seized the moment to escalate their attacks. 塔利班抓住了将进攻升级的时机。