- He will guide you to the top of the mountain. 他将带领你们登上山顶。
- The boy will guide you to the top of the mountain. 这孩子将把你带到山顶。
- The lights located on the floor will guide you to the exits if an emergency arises. 客舱通道及出口处都设有紧急照明灯,紧急情况下请按指示灯路线撤离飞机。
- Please follow me; I'll guide you to the exit. 请跟我来,我带您去出口。
- Here you will find yourself greeted by an angel that will guide you to the temple of the Heart of the Tao. 这里你将发现你自己受到一名天使的迎接,他将引导你进入道之心灵的圣殿之中。
- And let me guide you to the purple rain. 让我领你到紫雨中吧!
- With this information, Rational will guide you to the right deployment solution to get your team productive with RequisitePro as soon as possible. 有了这些信息,Rational将指导你正确地部署方案以尽可能提高你的团队使用RequisitePro的生产力。
- The homepage will guide you to where you want to go. 主页将指引你到你想去的地方。
- The fires burn bright. The warm winds whisper your name. Follow my light and I will guide you to pleasant palaces. 熊熊火焰燃烧得正旺,你的名字在暖风中飞扬。只要跟随我光明的指引,你就能找到乐园在何方。
- I will guide you on a tour of the museum. 我来领你们参观这博物馆。
- The sign on the 8th floor will guide you. 到了8层,你可以看到指示路标。
- The pentagram, Madeleine, will guide you. 五角星形将指引你,玛德琳。
- New it has been exposed to the light of day. 现在它已经暴露在光天化日之下了。
- If you feel a need to be a light worker - your soul will guide your journey by synchronicity and has guided you to this file on Crystalinks. 如果你很想成为一个光工作者-你的灵魂就会同步引导你的旅途和指导你看到水晶链接网站的文章。
- Now, when you get to the light, go right. 嗯,到红绿灯那里,向右转。
- If you feel a need to be a light worker - your soul will guide your journey by synchronicity and has guided you to this file on Crystalinks . 如果你很想成为一个光工作者-你的灵魂就会同步引导你的旅途和指导你看到水晶链接网站的文章。
- Will guide you to the light 才会引领你们走向光辉前程
- I will thank you to turn on the lights. 请你把电灯打开。
- I'll keep with you to the bus terminal. 我陪你到公共汽车终点站。
- The following tutorial will guide you to car nurbs modeling process using Rhino ceros 3.0. 要启动的汽车模型,您需要一些汽车的图片(或速写),以获得一个理想的汽车表面形状。