- He blundered his surprise at her winning the prize. 他不慎说出对她得奖感到惊奇。
- He picked a winning number on the first draw. 他第一次便抽到一个中奖号码。
- A fat chance he has of winning the title! 他夺得冠军的希望极渺茫!
- He knew this was his last hope of winning. 他知道这是他获胜的唯一希望了。
- I've set my sights on winning the championship. 我下定决心要赢得冠军。
- I don't think they stand a chance of winning. 我看他们没有打赢的希望。
- A storage cell in some amorphous memory devices. 某些非晶体存储器中的一个存储单元。
- She was found prostrate on the floor of the cell. 有人发现她趴在小屋的地板上。
- The king raised his general to the peerage for winning the war. 由于赢得了这场战争,国王封他的将军为贵族。
- She is casual about winning the prize. 她对获奖漫不经心。
- He was on cloud nine after winning the competition. 他在比赛获胜後欣喜若狂。
- We mustn't let up, even though we're winning. 我们即使快赢了也决不可松劲。
- The prisoner rapped out a message on the cell wall. 那囚犯敲打囚室的墙来传达讯息。
- His hope of winning is oozing away. 他对赢的希望渐渐破灭了。
- Congratulations on winning the contract! 祝贺你获得了这个合同!
- The prisoner raped out a message on the cell wall. 那囚犯敲打囚室的墙来传达讯息。
- That horse is a cinch to win the next race. 那匹马在下一场比赛中肯定赢。
- The growth of successive layers of a cell wall. 敷着,附着细胞壁连续层的生长
- The prisoner was locked in a cell. 那囚犯被关在单人牢房内。
- The winning time was 1 minute 5 seconds. 获胜的时间是1分零5秒。