- Wireless value - added service 无线增值业务
- VASP? Value Added Service Provider? 增值服务提供商?
- There are many infrastructure components that interoperate in the wireless value chain solution. 有许多基础架构组件在无线价值链解决方案中相互操作。
- Chengdu Maxel Technology Ltd. is a newly funded high-tech company focusing on IT professional service solution and value added service. 成都迈盛科技有限公司是专注于IT专业服务解决方案和增值业务的高技术公司。
- Chengdu Maxel Technology Ltd. is a newly founded high-tech company focusing on IT professional service solution and value added service. 成都迈盛科技有限公司是专注于IT专业服务解决方案和增值业务的高技术公司。
- In the coming future, Fitness Concept will organize more professional training in different regions of China for customers so that they can enjoy this value added service. 在不久的将来,启康将举办更多同类型的讲座,贯彻我们的增值服务理念,为客户提供更多培训的机会。
- The General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) is a new nonvoice value added service that allows information to be sent and received across a mobile telephone network. GPRS(通用分组无线业务)是一组新的非语音通信的增值业务。
- Since MMS service first went into maraket in Japan near year 2000, this mobile value added service has been launched into business operation in dozens of European and Asian telecom operators in recent years. 自2000年左右彩信在日本开始进入商用服务以来,欧洲和亚洲的几十家电信运营商陆续推出了彩信服务。
- Traditional banks offer mobile banking as an added service to existing customers, most of whom are quite well off. 传统银行将手机银行业务当做附加服务提供给现有消费者,他们大部分人都非常富有。
- Its activities cover consumer electronics, information technology, telecommunications and value added services. 其业务范围包括消费型家电、信息技术、电信及附加值服务。
- SNC will also charge Customer for the purchase of optional, value added services offered by SNC . SNC也将收取客户可选择性购买、由SNC提供的增值服务的费用。
- With the merger in expertise and resources, we are now able to provide more value added services on such as clean room gloves. 在丰富的专业技术及资源基础上,我们现在可提供一些更多的额外服务,如无尘室手套。
- In addition, PHS text message, ring tone and other value added services will attempt to achieve scale development in the short term. 同时大力推广小灵通短信、悦铃等各类增值业务并在短期内实现规模发展。
- We are proud of having a dedicated R&D team which is familiar with voice telephony and value added services in North America and the APAC region. 和迅总部位于香港,集成全球最先进的、兼容性最强的软交换平台与营运支撑系统,在香港、洛杉矶、加拿大、英国等设立交换节点,建成覆盖全球的语音交换网络。
- He sent me the news by wireless telegraph. 他用无线电报把消息告诉我。
- In the sample of 40 batch mattess that accepts sampling observation, 35 batch did not add service instruction, individual fraction defective is as high as 87.5% . 接受抽检的40批次床垫样品中,有35批次未附使用说明,单项不合格率高达87.;5%25。
- The original member card can only be used to pay for membership while the new QQ card can purchase the existing and future Tencent value added services. 旧有的会员卡只能用来购买会员资格,而新QQ卡则可以进行对现有以及将来一系列的腾讯付费增值服务的支付。
- DVN, the supplier, generates significant revenues from the sales of set top boxes and has the potential to share in revenues generated from value added services. 天地数码作为供应商,机顶盒销售为集团带来可观收入,同时亦有机会分享增值服务所带来的额外收入。
- The police talked to each other by wireless. 警察用无线电通话。
- She sits up to all hours with her wireless. 她经常深夜不睡,听收音机。