- Would that be great regret? 这岂不是很大的遗憾?
- Thank you, sir. Which date would that be? 谢谢您,先生。要订什么时候?
- Would that be convenient for you? 对您来说,方便吗?
- Would that be OK to talt to us about your plan? 你把你的计划跟我们讲一下,方便吗?
- Barmaid: What would that be Mr. Donald? 酒吧女侍应生:是什么呢,唐纳德先生?
- Six to eight lenses to the set; would that be about the number? 六个至八个镜头一组,这个数字大致符合吗?
- Would you ever feature the Doctor in SJA or would that be wrong? 你会让博士出现在SJA里吗?或是说那样会是个错误?
- Ellenor: Would that be more or less than they paid the judge? 他们给你的钱跟那个法官的工资差不多吧?
- Brian : Oh really? So what team sport would that be? 布莱恩:噢,真的吗?那会是什么团体运动?
- Would that be plain or would you like some bacon or cheese? 那么你是要清炒呢,还是加点培根或是奶酪的?
- I you could meet a famous entertainer or athlete, who would that be, and why? 如果你能够遇到一位娱乐人士或者运动员,你希望遇到谁?原因?
- Anchovies: small, salted fish that are great in pizzas. 凤尾鱼:小的咸鱼,使用在比萨饼上味道很好。
- Also the point before, the backhand smash, that was great. 之前一个球,反手截击,我也很满意。
- Let's make it nine o'clock Friday morning. Would that be convenint for you? 让我们在星期五早上九点再见吧,这对您来说,方便吗?
- The loves and sorrows that are great are destroyed by their own plenitude. 深沉的爱和忧伤由于内容过于丰富而被摧毁了。
- Awesome game! I loved it, specially the intensity on defense. That was great! 可怕的比赛,我喜欢!在防守上特别的好!非常棒!
- Sir,we have some seats available in the back of the cabin. Would that be all right? 先生,我们在机舱的后面有些座位,可以吗?
- Gypsy Runes are a set of 10 pictorial runes that are great for divining with! 10粒吉普赛人常用的占卜石,备有黄晶,白水晶,月亮石,黑安力士,闪光石,粉晶,紫水晶,血石,天使水晶及杂色。
- If there was some part of open source that needed fixing, what would that be? 如果需要修改开源的某些部分,您认为会是哪里呢?