- Wudan Taoism 武当道教
- Taoism born in Fuzhou has a long history. 土生土长的福州道教,历史悠久,源远流长。
- Its basic tenets originate from China's Taoism. 它的基本内涵是直接来源于中国道家的海德格尔的“天地神人四方游戏说”。
- Taoism promotes the belief in many gods. 道教注重多重信仰。
- That both Buddhism and Taoism coexist here? 就是说山上佛教、道教并存吗?
- He's Lu Dongbin of Chinese Taoism. 就是中国道教的吕洞宾啊。
- He explained the beliefs of Taoism to us. 他向我们讲解了道教教义。
- Yuan, where Taoism construction considerable size. 元代,这里道教建筑颇具规模。
- To be more precise, Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism coexist here. 准确地说呀,应该是佛教、道教、儒教三教并存。
- Is it the sign of Taoism?It has no relationship with Longquan. 是否也是道教上的符号?这可就跟龙泉没关系了.
- Reform of the Han-Chinese Buddhism and Taoism was also carried out. 汉传佛教和道教也进行改革。
- In the modern age Taoism in Vietnam came to decline. 近代时期 ,越南的道教逐渐衰落。
- Chinese philosopher who founded Taoism; 6th-century b.c.. 建立道教的中国哲学家;公元前六世纪。
- Here Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism coexist in perfect harmony. 道三种文化和谐共存。
- Taoism has a wide-ranging influence on social life in Quanzhou. 道教对泉州的社会生活有广泛的影响。
- Mo religion has close connection with Buddhism and Taoism. 麽教与佛教、道教关系密切。
- Taoism has always advocated thriftiness and plain life. 道教历来倡导节俭、朴素的生活。
- His faith in Taoism supported him to live on indomitably. 秦观对道教的信念支撑着他顽强地生活。
- Taiyi Five-form Boxing of Taoism is the boxing technique of Mt. 太乙五行拳为道家崂山派拳术,由五行拳和五形拳两部分组成。
- Considered as Queen of WuDan, she has many adept plays including White Bone Demon, Eight Immortals Crassing The Sea, YaGuan Parilion, etc. 她的拿手戏有《孙悟空三打白骨精》、白蛇后传》、盗仙草》、八仙过海》、盗库银》、扈家庄》、请神降妖》、雅观搂》等。