- Wuhan Urban Agglomerations 武汉城市圈
- On economic development of Wuhan urban agglomeration in the new age 新时期武汉城市圈经济发展研究
- Analysis the economics characteristic of Wuhan urban agglomeration in the new age 新时期武汉城市圈经济发展特点分析
- Wuhan Urban Agglomeration 武汉城市群
- The sustainable development faces to great challenge in Shandong Peninsula urban agglomerations. 山东半岛城市群的可持续发展面临重大的挑战。
- By appraising the cities" integrative might, we find every city"s location in urban agglomerations and divide five cities into three types. 通过对城市综合实力的评价,找出各城市在城市群中所处的位置,并将五个城市划分为三种类型;
- Transportation is the linkage of regional economy and an important carrier of constructing the urban agglomerations' space. 摘要交通作为区域经济联系的纽带,是城市群体空间建构的重要载体。
- In this part, author makes it clear of the development historical and space state of Shandong peninsula urban agglomerations, and analyzes the scale structural with syntheses methods. 通过对半岛城市群时空结构、规模结构、职能结构的分析,进一步明确了山东半岛城市群的发展历史及空间状态,并运用综合分析的方法对群内城市规模进行了综合分析;
- Urban agglomeration development necessarilly goes with the change of regional structure of urban agglomerations. 城市群发展必然伴随着城市群区地域结构的变化。
- Wuhan Urban Management Bureau www. Whcg. Gov. Cn 武汉市城市管理局
- Temple Fair and Wuhan Urban Tourist Economy 庙会与武汉城市旅游经济
- With first-mover advantage of small commodity market, Yiwu gradually become a core zone of agglomeration and economic growth pole of Mid-Zhejiang Urban Agglomerations. 义乌凭借小商品市场的先发优势,逐步成为“浙中城市群”的集聚核心和经济增长极。
- Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomerations 长三角城市群
- The River Han flows through Wuhan. 汉水穿过武汉奔流。
- Can I break the journey at Wuhan? 中途我可以在武汉下车吗?
- spatial planning of urban agglomerations 城市群空间规划
- the Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Urban Agglomerations 长株潭城市群
- The last time we me; was in Wuhan. 我们最后一次见面是在武汉。
- top ten urban agglomerations in China 中国十大城市群
- Finally, based on the SWOT analysis, some strategic countermeasures for the regional urban agglomeration in Nanchang City are put forward. 最后在对南昌地域城市群进行SWOT分析的基础上,提出南昌地域城市群发展的战略对策。