- Wuhan apparel industry 武汉服装
- In apparel industry, end-product quality is affected by a lot of factors. 在成衣制造行业,成品的质量受到许多因素的影响。
- Only upstream and downstream companies of textile and apparel industry are accepted. 只接受纺织服装产业上下游企业报名参展;
- Future textile and apparel industry of Qingmsdao must be a modernized and internationalized textile and apparel base. 未来的青岛纺织服装工业,必将成为现代化、国际化的纺织服装工业基地。
- Have Textile and Apparel Industries in U.S.A Declined? 美国纺织业和服装业衰败了吗?
- Professional salon : provide exhibition stage for the typical successful people or star enterprise of local and domestic beauty ,apparel industry . 专业沙龙:为本地及国内美容、服饰行业具代表性的成功人士或明星企业提供展示平台。
- Lead directly to the success of the franchisee hall, the size of China's investment to enter the apparel industry to do Shangtianti! 直接带领加盟商走向成功的殿堂,为中国的大小投资商进军服饰产业做天梯!
- A feasible development strategy for Beijing apparel industry is brought forward in the light of strategic development theory. 运用战略发展理论,提出了切实可行的北京服装产业发展对策。
- The realization of paperless trade in apparel industry by application of EDI has become the requirement of the new century. 目前,我国服装业应用EDI才刚刚起步,尚不存在一套完整的服装业专用EDI标准,因此,对服装业EDI标准化进行分析和探讨成为一种必要。
- After analyzing the current state and existing problems of Beijing apparel industry chain, this paper gave some suggestions on how to adjust Beijing apparel industry chain. 本文对北京服装产业链的现状及存在的问题进行了分析,在此基础上,对北京服装产业链的整合方案提出了建议。
- THOMAS BRYSON is a dynamic global player in the home apparel industry with established markets in the major countries in the world:China,USA,Europe,South Africa,South America. THOMAS BRYSON有限公司,是一个充满活力的国际性公司,活跃于全球一些主要国家的成熟家纺服饰市场,包括中国、美国、欧洲、南美和南非等国家和地区。
- Transportation spending, ranging from car purchases to plane tickets, fell 1.8%, and apparel outlays slid 4.3% -- about a $9.7 billion hit to the apparel industry. 交通支出,从汽车购买到飞机票支出,共下降了1.;8%25,而且服装消费下滑了4
- THOMAS BRYSON is a dynamic global player in the home apparel industry with established markets in the major countries in the world:ChinaUSAEuropeSouth AfricaSouth America. THOMAS BRYSON有限公司是一个布满活力的国际性公司,活跃于全球一些主要国家的成熟家纺服饰市场,包括中国、美国、欧洲、南美和南非等国家和地区。
- Stillman of Lexecon, an economics consulting firm, explore the speed with which different firms in the apparel industry began selling online and their success to date. Stillman探讨了服装业公司采纳网上销售的速度以及迄今为止所取得的成功。
- In order to improve the product quality, the textile and apparel industry can reach sustainable development with the support of our government, trade organizations and the effort of the companies. 可以通过政府、行业组织的支持以及企业自身的努力来提高产品品质,从而实现纺织服装行业的可持续发展。
- The River Han flows through Wuhan. 汉水穿过武汉奔流。
- Anta is the history of the growth of Chinese apparel industry microcosm of the history of the evolution of China's garment industry transformation of life and death of one of the success of the model. 安踏的成长历史其实是中国服装产业演进的历史缩影,也是中国服装产业生死转型的成功模式之一。
- Can I break the journey at Wuhan? 中途我可以在武汉下车吗?
- Zhejiang province is the personification of traditional industrial clusters, and Ningbo apparel industry has delegation denotation. 国内传统产业集群的典型当属浙江省,而其中宁波的服装产业具有代表意义。
- The last time we me; was in Wuhan. 我们最后一次见面是在武汉。