- X clients also have a high degree of portability. 客户端同样具有高度的可移植性。
- Any text entry in X clients is represented by X Input Context (XIC). 客户程序中的任何文字输入都用X输入语境(XInputContext,XIC)来表示。
- This function will not be available if the MySQL extension was built against a MySQL 4. X client library. 如果MySQL扩展库是基于MySQL 4.;x客户端库建立的;则本函数不可用。
- A client is an application that displays on the X server and is usually termed an X client or simply the application. 客户端是一个在X服务器上显示的应用程序,被称为X客户端或者只是简单的被称为应用程序。
- The X server will respond to certain X client requests that require a reply. As noted, not all requests require a reply. 服务器会对某个需要响应的特定的X客户端产生回应。注意,并不是所有的请求都需要回应的。
- X clients are GUI application programs that request X server to draw graphical objects on the screen, and accept user inputs via the events fed by X server. 客户端是请求X服务器在屏幕上描绘图形对象,并通过X服务器的事件传送接受用户输入的图形界面程序。
- A library called X Library (Xlib) encapsulates this protocol by a set of application programming interfaces (API), so that X clients can do everything in terms of function calls. 一个称为X库(Xlib)的函数库用一套应用程序编程接口(applicationprogramminginterfaces,API)的形式封装了这套协议,这样X客户程序就可以调用所有的函数。
- This masking of architectural and engineering differences simplifies X client development and provides the springboard for the X Window System's high portability. 对底层架构特性迥异的屏蔽可以简化X客户端的开发以及X窗口系统的高移植性。
- The counselor bilked his clients out of$2 million. 那位顾问从他的顾客那里骗取了200万美元。
- If a lawyer has plenty of clients, he grows rich. 律师如果有大量的诉讼委托人,就会财源不断。
- We use x as the symbol for an unknown quantity. 我们用x表示一个未知数。
- A doctor should learn how to exercise patience to his clients. 医生应该学会对他的病人运用忍耐力。
- They used to sting their clients. 他们过去常诈骗客户。
- We assured our clients of an enjoyable holiday. 我们使游客确信准能过一个愉快的假期。
- Ms X has been named for the directorship/named as the new director. 某女士已被提名任董事职务[任命为新董事]。
- He stole money under colour of making investments for clients. 他们以给委托人办投资作为幌子捞取钱财。
- What does x represent in this equation? 这个方程式中的x代表什么?
- The lawyer spoke on behalf of his client. 律师代表当事人说话。
- The Sunday Times ran an article headlined "The X Brothers". 《星期日泰晤士报》登载了一篇标题为"X兄弟们"的文章。