- The parameters of ZrB2 cell which was original position sintered in ZrB2/B4C composite ceramic material are obtained by X ray diffract ion analysis and calculated through Powder Index program module of Material Studio. 对原位烧结制备的ZrB2/B4C陶瓷复合材料X射线衍射数据进行分析,并结合使用 Powder4和Material Studio中的Powder Index模块计算了该复合材料中ZrB2的晶体结构。
- Infrared ray (IR) spectrum and X ray diffract (XRD) analysis indicated only few parts entered the earth laminar of sodium base MMT to react, the majority took on the pure promiscuous material. 红外光谱(IR)和X射线衍射(XRD)对复合树脂的结构表征表明,蒙脱土与共聚物的作用时只有少部分大分子进入钠基土片层进行反应,而大部分蒙脱土只是作为单纯的混杂材料。
- The results of X ray diffraction analyses further proved that compounds (A) and (B) are of two different phases. X-射线粉末衍射物相分析的结果又进一步证实了化合物 (A)和 (B)是两种完全不同的物相。
- Tellurium is trapped in Te 4O 11 form which is analyzed by X ray diffraction method. 用X射线衍射分析得碲以Te4O11形式捕集,探讨了捕集、释放机理。
- Their structures and chemical properties were studied by X ray diffraction ,TEM and charge discharge analysis. 采用 X-射线衍射法 ,透射电镜和充放电测量研究了它们的结构和性质。
- X ray diffraction analysis indicated that the materials prepared were single solid solution with layered structure. X-射线衍射分析表明,所得材料为层状结构的单一固溶体相。
- This paper describes the design of Automatic Measurement &Control System of X Ray Diffraction Goniometer. 摘要介绍了X射线衍射定向仪的工作原理,并对X射线衍射定向仪的自动测控系统的设计进行了描述。
- The X ray diffraction patterns showed that they were of higher degree of crystalline order, and fibril particles with an avera... 结果表明,乳液法合成聚苯胺具有较高的特性粘度,溶解性,耐热性和结晶度;
- In this paper,the composition and spectra of granite of asbestos red and sesame white are studied by ICP AES,XRF,IR and X ray diffraction. 本文用电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法,X射线荧光光谱法、红外光谱以及X射线衍射谱测定了石棉红花岗石和芝麻白花岗石的成分和光谱。
- The mechanism of the effect of annealing on the properties was studied by means of X ray diffraction and torque measurement. 用转矩及X光衍射等方法研究了退火工艺对该合金性能影响的机制。
- The X ray diffraction and infrared transmittance spectra of KLN crystal were measured and the lattice constants of the crystal were calculated. 测试 KL N晶体 X-射线衍射图 ,并计算晶格常数。 测试 KL N晶体的红外透射光谱。
- Under the acid free condition, 3 acetyl 2 hydroxy 6 methyl pyran 4 one (8) was obtained and its structure was confirmed by X ray diffraction analysis. 在没有酸催化的条件下,反应生成3乙酰基2羟基6甲基-吡喃4酮(8),并通过单晶X射线衍射分析确定了产物的结构;
- The structural evolution of the pyrolytic products of PI film during the carbonization have been measured by using X ray diffraction technique. 用X射线衍射技术测定了PI(聚酰亚胺)薄膜在炭化过程中热裂解固态产物结构的演变。
- The atomization mechinism of molybdenum on the graphite probe surface in the graphite furnace is studied with X ray diffraction experiment. 本文报道了应用X-射线衍射分析及其它一些实验手段,研究钼在石墨炉内石墨探针表面上的原子化机理。
- The micro-mechanism of these changes was examined using X ray diffraction, circular dichroism spectrum, infrared spectrum and DTA. 同时还介绍了丝胶与几种不同的物质共混或交联所得产物的凝胶特性及其应用。
- In the course of corn starch being pregelatinied by heating and drying, the law of change of X ray diffraction pattern is studied. 研究了玉米淀粉糊在加热干燥制成预糊化淀粉的过程中,X射线衍射曲线的变化规律。
- Relationship of sulfur retention phase and its content with the radial location, the additives, and the furnace temperature was investigated using X ray diffraction analyzer. 采用 X-射线衍射分析仪研究了型煤灰球中固硫物相种类及相对含量与型煤径向位置、添加剂种类及炉温的关系 .
- The crystal structure and magnetic properties of Nd(Fe 1- x Co x ) 10 V 2 were studied by X ray diffraction, magnetic measurements and M?ssbauer spectroscopy methods. 通过X射线衍射、磁测量和M ssbauer谱等测试方法研究了Nd(Fe1-xCox) 10 V2 的结构和磁性。
- METHODS: The compositions of Haliotis discus hannai Ino and Haliotis laerigata (Donovan) were determined by means of ICP, X ray diffraction, DSC and FT IR,respectively. 方法:采用电感耦合等离子发射光谱(ICP)、X?ray衍射分析法、差热分析(DSC)及傅里叶?红外光谱法(FT?IR)等方法对皱纹盘鲍和白鲍贝壳成分及结构进行研究。
- The effect of defect and microstructure on soft magnetic properties were studied for FeCuNbSiB alloy by means of positron annihilation technique associated with X ray diffraction. 利用正电子湮没技术结合 X-射线衍射分析了 Fe73.;5Cu1Nb3Si13