- The query can be formed on the XML column. 可以对XML列执行查询。
- Is the xml column on which the index is based. 索引所基于的xml列。
- The first index on an XML column is the primary XML index. XML列的第一个索引是主XML索引。
- You can search the XML column for the target zip code and restrict the returned result set accordingly. 可以从XML列中搜索目标邮政编码,并相应地限制返回的结果集。
- But what if you want to restrict your search based on some condition that applies to data in an XML column? 但是,如果您想根据某种应用于XML列中数据的条件对搜索进行限制,那么应该怎么做呢?
- Also, you will not be able to insert or modify XML values in an XML column on which an XML index has been created. 而且,将不能在已对其创建XML索引的XML列中插入或修改XML值。
- Your application performs data retrieval on the XML column and does not require an XML index on the XML column. 您的应用程序对XML列执行数据检索,并且不需要XML列的XML索引。
- To query, insert, delete, or update values in the XML column using XML data type methods, the same option must be set on the connection. 若要使用XML数据类型方法查询、插入、删除或更新XML列中的值,则必须在连接上设置相同的选项。
- However, with this approach, the application must maintain consistency between the XML schemas stored in the XML column and the XML type system. 但是,使用此方法时,应用程序必须保持XML列中存储的XML架构和XML类型系统之间的一致性。
- If your text XML is in Unicode (UCS-2, UTF-16), you can assign it to an XML column, variable, or parameter without any problems. 如果文本XML采用Unicode(UCS-2、UTF-16),可以将其赋给XML列、变量或参数,不会有任何问题。
- In case the column in the WITH clause is a typed XML column and the XML instance does not confirm to the schema, an error is returned. 如果WITH子句中的列是类型化的XML列并且XML实例不符合架构,将返回错误。
- The XML column can store instances of both BOOK-V1 and BOOK-V2, and execute queries and data modification on XML instances that conform to these namespaces. XML列可以存储BOOK-V1和BOOK-V2的实例,并且可以对符合这些命名空间的XML实例执行查询和数据修改。
- Most of the columns listed in the previous table, except the Diagram column in the Illustration table, are typed xml columns. 在上表中列出的大多数列(Illustration表中的Diagram列除外)都是类型化的xml列。
- Some of the values from your XML data can be stored in relational columns, and the rest, or the whole XML value stored in an XML column. 可以将XML数据中的某些值存储在关系列中,而将其余或全部XML值存储在XML列中。
- When querying typed xml columns or variables, you can have nodes of Boolean type. 查询类型化的xml列或变量时,可以包含布尔类型的节点。
- You cannot create an XML index, either primary or secondary, on an xml column in a view, on a table-valued variable with xml columns, or xml type variables. 您不能对视图中的xml列、包含xml列的表值变量或xml类型变量创建主XML索引或辅助XML索引。
- If your workload uses path expressions significantly on XML columns, the PATH secondary XML index is likely to speed up your workload. 如果工作负荷对XML列大量使用路径表达式,则PATH辅助XML索引可能会提高工作负荷的处理速度。
- Generates tabular output from data stored in XML columns and is quite useful for providing programmers with a "relational" view of XML data. 可以从XML列中的数据生成标量输出,可以为程序员提供XML数据的“关系”视图,因此非常有用。
- She angled her column of chitchat toward teenagers. 她的漫谈栏侧重于十几岁的青少年。
- Full-Text Index on an XML Column 对XML列的全文索引