- AnHui Jing Xian Wang Tong He Xuan Paper Co., Ltd. 泾县汪同和宣纸有限公司。
- Xiao gu niang xian wang da yi zi shang ta . da yi zi dai gao, ta mei pa shang qu jiu shuai xia lai le. 小姑娘先往大椅子上爬。大椅子太高,她还没爬上去就摔下来了。
- Who was the Historical Prototype of "Ba Xian Wang" "八贤王"的历史原型是谁
- and Zhangyeyou xian wang become the territory of the Xiongnu. 张掖成为匈奴之中右贤王的领地。
- He got engaged to her when working in Xian. 他是在西安工作时和她订婚的。
- I am at friendship hotel. My name is Wang Tao. 我在友谊宾馆,我是王涛。
- He held an opinion quite adverse to Comrade Wang's. 他和王同志持绝然相反的意见。
- Regular air traffic links Xian to the rest of the country. 定期班机把西安和全国其他地方连接起来。
- I saw Mr. Wang as late as yesterday. 直到昨天我还看见过王先生。
- Mr. Wang is a staff of France airline. 王先生是法国航空公司的一名职员。
- Li Ming is not so old as Wang Lin. 李明没有王林年龄大。
- He asked Uncle Wang to take the chair. 他请求王大叔主持会议。
- Yu xia lie tong ben: Chi an xian sheng ji / Wang Nie zhuan. 与下列同本:迟菴先生集/王臬撰.
- Mr. Wang's hair was tinted black. 王先生的头发染成黑色。
- Received from Miss Wang Juan the sum of two thousand yuan. 今收到王娟小姐还款人民币两千元整。
- At the moment Master Wang was fitting together some parts. 这时候王师傅正在装配一些部件。
- We took an express train from Xian to Beijing. 我们乘西安到北京的特快列车。
- "Is that Xiao wang?" He cried down the telephone. 他冲着电话嚷道:"是小王吗?"
- No one can match up to Comrade Wang in efficiency and vigour. 有效率和干劲方面没有人比得上王同志。
- Arrived in Xian,they made their way to Yanan. 到达西安后,他们就动身前往延安。