- The elective course of value and the growth of youth Ren Bishi is the result of both the guidance of Marxism and the nurturing of Xiang Chu culture. 任弼时的价值选择和他的成长既是十月革命炮声的震荡、克思主义引导的结果,也是湘楚文化土壤,尤其是湘学学风熏陶、染和滋润的结果。
- Wang Fuzhi was a preeminent representative of Xiang Chu culture and a great enlightenment thinker during Ming and Qing dynasty. 王夫之是湘楚文化的杰出代表、明清之际的伟大思想启蒙家。
- To Advocate "Xiang Chu Culture" in Hunan 湖南应当提倡“湘楚文化”
- Spirit of Xiang Chu Culture and Cultivation of Human Dignity 湘楚文化精神与道德人格培养
- On the Quality and Style and Personality of Xiang Chu Culture and Hunan Literature 湘楚文化与湖南文学的品格个性
- Yichang is the birth place of Ba and Chu Culture. 宜昌是巴楚文化的发祥地。
- Xiaogan is the birthplace of Chu culture is one. 孝感是楚文化的重要发祥地之一。
- BA Xiang Chu County Taiwan Baoziwan, chukars BA Xiang Ping Walled Hanan Majiayao Yangshao culture are the type of the Neolithic cultural sites."Book of History. 县境内堡子坝乡朱家台,石鸡坝乡哈南寨坪均有新石器时代仰韶文化马家窑类型的文化遗址。
- Hong Kum River Valley, which is located in Tonglu County in Zhejiang Province Gao Xiang Chu Rural Village, an alpine valley landscape. 琴溪香谷,地处浙江省桐庐县高翔乡珠村,属高山地峡谷景观。
- His emotional criticism was closely related to his womanlike emotion personality and the edification of Chu Culture. 沈从文的这一情感性批评方式与他女性化的情感人格以及楚文化的熏陶密切相关。
- Vertically, as a part of the Chu Culture, what cause and effect it had experienced for the phoenix patterns? 纵向而言,作为楚文化中的一个局部,楚漆器纹饰中的凤鸟纹本身经历了怎样一个前因后果?
- The magic or ritual from Chu culture is also a category of magic or ritual of Shamanism of "Asian-America Continuity". 楚文化中的巫术或仪式属“亚美-文化连续体”中的萨满教范畴。
- His emotional criticism was closely related with his womanlike emotion personality and the edification of Chu Culture. 沈从文的这一情感性批评方式与他女性化的情感人格以及楚文化的熏陶密切相关。
- During previous Qin dynesty,because of many reasons,it has formed two different art modality Zhongyuan culture and Chu culture. 先秦时期因多种因素,形成了中原文化和楚文化两种不同的艺术形式。
- The East Lake in Wuhan is surrounded by beautiful mountains,large lakes,and abundant greeneries.It is also rich in Chu culture. 武汉东湖具有秀丽的山水、丰富的植被、浓郁的楚风情的特点,是“全国闻名风景旅游区示范点”及武汉市最大的风景旅游区。
- The contradiction between the Hu-xiang School of Neo-Confucianism and Chu culture is actually the opposition of two ethos,Apolloian mean and Dionysian intoxication. 理学湖湘学派与楚文化传统的冲突 ,实际上是日神式的中庸之道与酒神式的沉醉痴迷两种文化精神的对立。
- We are faced with the problems of moden public arts in chu culture has less number.The themes are blankness is also a problem.It is damnify for develop chu cultrue and public art. 在当前,楚文化环境下的当代公共艺术创作除了数量过少外,主要还存在着题材单一等问题,这对楚文化的弘扬和当代公共艺术发展都是一个损失。
- The brilliant Chu culture created by the local ancestors,Chu People, affected the locals profoundly , which shaped the people’s character of enthusiastic but doughty, romantic but untrammeled. 先民楚人创造的灿烂的楚文化深深地影响着这个地方的人们,使武汉人的性格表现得热情而刚烈,浪漫而奔放。
- if v really nvr been noe or ‘xiang chu’ betul-betul together, how v noe v really werent meant together? 假如从来没有开始,你怎么知道自己会不会很爱很爱那个人呢?
- Social Roots of Formation of Chu Culture 试析楚文化形成的社会根源