- Xiangtangshan Grotto 响堂山石窟
- They often rest in the grotto in the summer. 夏天里他们经常在避暑洞室里休息。
- The Losing Statues From The Xiangtangshan Grottoes in A New Light 流失海外响堂山石窟造像新识
- A third name for the 25th is Grotto Day. 7月25日的第三个名字叫“神龛日”。
- We reached a beautiful grotto, whose entrance was almost hid by the vines. 我们到达了一个美丽的洞穴,洞的进口几乎被藤蔓遮掩著。
- The cry proceeded from the grotto. 那声音是从地洞那面传过来的。
- They arrive at the Snow White Grotto. 他们来到白雪公主许愿洞。
- Go to the grotto and inflate the rubber raft. 在工具栏将橡皮筏、气泵和浆组合。
- These grew more concussive as he neared the grotto. 他接近洞穴时,震动越来越明显。
- Grotto art and Buddhism is very close. 石窟艺术与佛教是十分密切的。
- Currently the grotto is not accessible. 一般来说洞穴是不可进入。
- Here is the most eye-catching Binglingsi Grotto. 这里最引人注目的就是炳灵寺石窟。
- The people of hope to visiting grotto come from Africa. 希望参观岩洞的人们来自非洲。
- The eighth suffering-giving up the arm, No.8 Grotto, Bilu Cave. 毗卢洞第8号窟第八舍臂图。
- The girl cutting off her hair, No.8 Grotto, Bilu Cave. 毗卢洞第8号窟割发女。
- Out of devotion, pilgrims used to take meals in the grotto. 虔诚的朝圣者们在洞穴中用餐。
- The use of a natural grotto, with plastic, like Yin and Rohan 18. 利用一天然石窟,内塑观音及十八罗汉像。
- The world-famous Mogao Grotto was first built in 366 AD. 举世闻名的莫高窟是公元366年前秦时期开始兴建的。
- Grotto art is for the people at that time Xinfo services. 石窟艺术是为当时信佛的人们服务的。
- We reach a beautiful grotto,whose entrance is almost hided by the vine. 我们到达了一个美丽的洞穴,洞的进口几乎被藤蔓遮掩著。