- An Analysis of Xinjiang Regional Market Developmental Situation 新疆区域市场发育状况分析
- Xinjiang regional market 市场发育状况
- Snowmelt floods in Xinjiang Region are frequent. 摘要开春融雪型洪水在新疆具有多发、易发的特点。
- They all traverse China's Xinjiang region. 所有的项目都经过新疆地区。
- At present, our main target is the regional market. 现在,我们主要的目标是地区性市场。
- The Tacheng in Xinjiang region experienced rare drought in 30 years. 其中,新疆塔城地区遭遇30多年来罕见的干旱。
- Staff at Heifer Xinjiang Regional Office did not wait to donate, either. They gave 800 yuan to Heifer China Office. 新疆区域项目员工共捐款800元,直接转交到小母牛成都办,用于支援四川地震灾区。
- A member of a mainly agricultural Turkic people inhabiting the Xinjiang region in China. 维吾尔人居住在中国新疆地区主要从事农业的土耳其族成员。
- Meanwhile, the segmentation of regional market weakens "domestic market effect" and makes the conglomeration low level. 区域市场的分割削弱了“国内市场效应”,致使制造业聚集呈现低水平特征。
- Last year, two Japanese scholars conducting unauthorized research in China's far west Xinjiang region were deported. 去年中国政府驱逐了两名在中国西部新疆省进行未经授权的非法调研的日本人。
- We hope that in each regional market our scale and professional influence ranks top in the industry. 进入到每个区域市场,我们更希望自己的规模和专业影响力能够达到行业前列。
- It jolted the Xinjiang region, home to China\'s Turkic Uighur minority, early this morning . 当地时间星期五凌晨发生的这场地震强烈震撼了维吾尔族人居住的新疆地区。
- StanChart is has global banking business experiences and an in-dept knowledge and understanding of regional market. 渣打银行拥有环球银行业务经验,并对各地区市场有深入的了解和认识。
- Based on the above results and climate information,the overwintering areas of cotton bollworm in Xinjiang Region is analyzed in this paper. 依据上述研究结果,结合新疆地区的冬季气候特点提出了棉铃虫在新疆地区的越冬区划。
- Demand for additives in Western Europe, the second largest regional market in 2007, will post subpar gains through 2012. 2007年第二大的区域市场西欧市场,对于外加剂需求的收益到2012年可能将低于预期水平。
- After the Kizil Reservoir in Xinjiang Region stored water, the horizontal andvertical deformation appeared in the reservoir area. 应用库区多项形变观测资料,对克孜尔水库蓄水后出现的形变异常及诱发水库地震的危险性进行了研究。
- UPCS's tactic is to pioneer the regional market and to be the pacemaker and challenger of the industry instead of third-class henchman. UPCS战略是创区域市场之先风,做行业的领跑者和挑战者。UPCS决不做平庸的跟随者。
- Sheraton Urumqi is the most premier hotel located in the capital of Xinjiang Region, managed by the famous international Starwood Hotels & Resorts. 喜来登乌鲁木齐酒店,是一家座落于新疆首府商业中心的顶级豪华酒店。由国际著名喜达屋酒店管理集团管理。
- Rail links ferried in millions of Chinese to firm up Beijing's control in Inner Mongolia and the Muslim Xinjiang region in the far west. 铁轨的链接使北京坚固了对内蒙古和遥远西部新疆穆斯林地区数百万中国人的控制。
- Its proximity to these capitals and countries offers access to a very large regional market and places it at the crossroads of eastern and western business, trade and culture. 邻近这些首都和国家的条件,使她成为这一个非常大地区的市场的入口,和东西方的商业、贸易和文化的叉路口。