- YE Quan 叶权
- For ye suffer fools gladly, seeing ye yourselves are wise. 你们即是精明人,就能甘心容忍愚妄人。
- Welcome to Quan Ju De Roast Duck Restaurant. 欢迎光临全聚德烤鸭店。
- Do ye then interweave the mortal with the immortal. 你们不可把会死的与不朽的混杂起来。
- And oh ye high flown quills that soar the skies. 啊,翱翔蓝天展翅高飞的羽翼。
- So Sun Quan had Guan Yu and his son put to death. 于是,孙权处死了关羽父子。
- NanHai City, Xi 'An Hua Quan Industrial Co., Ltd. 南海市华全实业有限公司。
- Ye cannot server god and mammon. 汝不可尊奉上帝而又尊奉金钱。
- Quan Zhou Miao Xin Ship Equipment Service Co., Ltd. 泉州淼鑫船舶设备服务有限公司。
- Hark ye O man, and list to my Voice. 请听啊哦人类,而记下来我的声音。
- Is the Quan Yin Method similar to Zen? 观音法门和禅宗类似吗?
- This is Mr. Tang Quan, head of Imp/Exp. Department. 这是唐权,是进出口部主任。
- The roast duck from Quan Ju De is quite famous. 全聚德的烤鸭相当有名。
- Manager Ye was already soundly asleep. 叶经理早已睡熟。
- "This advice is most valuable," said Sun Quan. 孙权曰: “此金玉之论也!”
- We 'ye run a course for the local teachers. 我们已为当地教师办了一个进修班。
- This song is my all time fav from Li Quan. YOUTUBE却一直没有。费N大劲才找到,却还不算高清犬。
- It is Ancestor Quan Yin that greets you today. 今天是观音祖先向你们问候。
- But now my Heart ye shall no more. 但是我的心不会再被你迷惑。