- Yakov Punkin 蓬金
- Mother, Nataliya Denisovna.One younger brother, Yakov;and younger sister, Vera. 有一个稍大的哥哥-雅可夫和一个稍小的妹妹-薇拉,小时候勃总曾梦想当演员。
- We remember sergeant Yakov Pavlov. His combat unit successfully defended a mansion in Stalingrad for over 60 days. 我们铭记雅可夫-巴甫洛夫中士。他的战斗小组在斯大林格勒的一幢楼房中坚守了60多天。
- It was an easy, happy life. Jews shared almost all aspects of life with their Arab neighbours, reminisces Yakov. 那是个安逸快乐的生活.;犹太人跟他们的阿拉伯邻居们分享生活中的一切
- Yakov becomes a metaphor for the good man striving to withstand the dehumanizing pressures of the modern world. 雅克夫原本以为能过上梦想中的新生活,却没料到等待他的是更残酷的身心摧残。
- In the novel, Yakov, the hero, is a bereft and bewildered wanderer, who yearns to find the secret of life and happiness. 事实上雅克夫的唯一罪证就是他的犹太身份。作者着重描绘了雅克夫在狱中是如何受难的。
- Some seven-piece endgames, have been analyzed by Marc Bourzutschky and Yakov Konoval [8].In all of these endgame databases it is assumed that castling is no longer possible. 原因是,更多这样的残局被发现了,把规则搞得越来越复杂是不希望的,而且改后的规则和之前的在人类比赛中没有区别,因为人不可能下得非常精确。
- "We will use the term Mexican flu in order not to have to pronounce the word swine," said Deputy Health Minister Yakov Litzman of the ultra-religious United Torah Judaism party. 多数以色列人信奉的犹太教禁食猪肉,而生活在以色列的大多数阿拉伯少数民族信奉的伊斯兰教也同样禁食猪肉。
- Both Eli and Yakov agree that despite having gone through the process of assimilation into Israel, they keep alive many aspects of their previous lives, in particular, Iraqi food and speaking Arabic. "我们当中有许多人仍旧对我们或我们先人来自的地方有著密不可分的感觉.;我们的父母亲及祖父母仍旧记得过去在伊拉克许许多多的事;以及他们带给我们的食物;音乐以及语言
- “Yakov, give us a bottle, Yakov!” “雅科夫,拿瓶酒来,雅科夫!”
- punkinn. 南瓜(大亨)
- Funky Punkin! 采.南.瓜!
- some punkin 了不起的人物
- Yakov and the Seven Thieves 雅各布与七个小偷
- Yakov 雅各布