- Yamada Eisuke 山田英介(1945-),日本人,众议员。
- Mr. Yamada is a top-notch illustrator. 山田先生是位一流的漫画家。
- Mr. Yamada is a very polished speaker. 山田是一个说话优雅凝炼的人。
- Yamada has retired from our firm on his own account. 山田因个人原因,已脱离敝公司。
- Yamada had retired from our firm on his own account. 山田因个人原因,已脱离敝公司。
- Was it Mr. Yamada that came to see me during my absence yesterday? 昨天我不在时是亚马达先生来看我吗?
- Mr. Yamada had his cash collection satchel snatched! 山田君那边有了联络 说是带了钱过来
- Mr. Yamada, Nihon Shoji has arranged to pay your bill. 山田先生,日本商事公司已安排支付您的帐单。
- Yamada have retired from our firm on his own account. 山田因个人原因,已脱离敝公司。
- Mr. Yamada caught a red-eye flight in order to be here this morning. 山田先生为了今天早上赶到这儿,乘坐了夜间(红眼)航班。
- The yen's undervaluation was what Eisuke Sakakibara, a former vice-minister of finance, calls a “cheap-yen bubble”. 在前任日本财务省次官神原英资看来,日元的低估就是一个“便宜的泡沫”。
- I think it's a sign of how uncertain things are,' said Eisuke Noguchi, a 39-year-old salaryman. 39岁的工薪族EisukeNoguchi说,我对此感到担心,我想这是表明形势不确定的一个迹象。
- EISUKE SAKAKIBARA, Vice Minister of Finance, Japan, 1997-1999: Japan is a very sort of parochial and very closed economy;there's no question about it. 大藏省次长,日本,1997-1999:日本是一个地域狭小的国家,经济非常封闭,这一点毋庸质疑。
- EISUKE SAKAKIBARA, Vice Minister of Finance, Japan, 1997-1999: Japan is a very sort of parochial and very closed economy; there's no question about it. 大藏省次长,日本,1997-1999:日本是一个地域狭小的国家,经济非常封闭,这一点毋庸质疑。
- Eisuke Sakakibara, a predecessor of Mr Watanabe's who is now out of governmt, predicts that the central bank will raise rates to0.75% as soon as May. 日本银行急于是利率正常化,因为一年前因为通货紧缩而把利率调整为零。
- EISUKE SAKAKIBARA: One sector of the Japanese economy is an export-oriented sector which is highly competitive, consisting of Toyotas and Sonys. 日本经济的一个部分是以出口为导向的产业部门,竞争非常激烈,包括丰田和索尼等公司。
- Mr. Yamada would like to know the opening and current prices of United Concrete. 山田先生想知道联合水泥的开盘价和现值如何。
- Agreeably to your request, we have sent you, through Messrs. Yamada & Co., 40 bales of cotton. 依照您的要求,我们已通过山田公司向您发去40包棉花。
- Eisuke Sakakibara, a former vice-finance minister, and key adviser to the DPJ, expressed his concerns about the DPJ's handling of the economy at a news conference Sept. 9. 在9月9日的记者招待会上,民主党主要顾问,前财务次相神原英姿表达了他对民主党处理经济问题的关切。