- Yamasaki Yoshiki 山崎芳树(1914-),日本人,实业家。
- Yoshiki, I want to know, where is you soul now ? 我想知道,你的灵魂,现在在哪里?
- Nobuteru Ishihara belongs to the Yamasaki. 石原伸晃就属于山崎派。
- We will not pass along any messages to YOSHIKI or X JAPAN. 我们不会;不能;评论或者报道任何没有经过官方渠道公开发布的任何消息.
- That's why I could get asked, ‘YOSHIKI, can't you get many bands to perform together? 所以我被问到,‘YOSHIKI,你能让许多乐团在一起表演吗?’
- Various kinds of studies concerning earthquake prediction are now under contemplation in the Yamasaki region. 在山崎地区,现在已经打算进行地震预报的各种研究工作。
- Miss Mari Yamasaki has been very successful as Japan's foremost recording artist. 山崎万里乃日本成名歌星,一直以纯情见称。
- Japanese envoy Yoshiki Mine says to normalize relations, he is prepared to sincerely discuss ways Japan can atone for its colonization of the Korean peninsula from 1910 to 1945. 日本特使美根庆树说,为了争取两国关系正常化,他已经准备好真诚地讨论日本为1910年到1945年期间朝鲜半岛殖民统治做出赔偿的方式。
- Zhu W,Mimnov N,Yamasaki H.Increased genetic sta.bility of Hela ceHs after cormexin43 gene transfection[J].Cancer Res,1997,57:2148. 曹玉文;陆天才;潘晓琳;等.;间隙连接蛋白表达与宫颈原位癌生长发展的相关性研究[J]
- Yoshiki, you use your fingers to pick the rose full of aristas, you use your lips to kiss the blue blood out of your wound.I would never refuse you and I also don't want so. 你用手指摘下满是尖刺的玫瑰去装点你的人生;你用唇去亲吻伤口中流出的蓝色血液.;这样的你;我永远都无法抗拒;也不想去抗拒
- The Nintendo DS seems to be on better footing for Koei's other team.'The library Nintendo provided allows us to do various things, so we're satisfied,' said Yoshiki Sugiyama. 任天堂在这方面倒是做得不错,“任天堂的开发工具可以让我们作很多事,我们对这个感到很满意,任天堂已经做得很充分了,所以在这个平台上开发相对来说更为容易。”
- Yamasaki Partners is a full-service law firm, taking advantage of our global network. It can give clients legal advice or counsel on various business issues. 就企业经营活动中发生的各种各样法律疑难问题,弊所为当事人提供切实可行的法律建议和法律支援。
- Since Oligocene large-scale uplift, along the yamasaki, the stratums was fast denudation, break down the early uranium mineralization, made the uranium element redistributed. 渐新世以来大规模上隆,沿山前快速剥蚀,破坏了早期的铀矿化,铀元素重新分配。
- The Japanese government had expressed disapproval of Yamasaki's trip, saying that it was "undesirable" at a time when Tokyo was imposing sanctions on Pyongyang. 日本政府表示不支持山崎北朝鲜之行,称在东京对平壤实施制裁之时此行不合时宜。
- On the chance of another nuclear test, Yamasaki quoted Song as saying: "It's up to U.S. actions in the future," Kyodo reported, without giving further details. 共同社的报道称,关于另一次核试验的可能性,山崎引用宋的话说:“这取决于美国将来怎么做,”但没有更多的细节。
- Sayako will marry Yoshiki Kuroda, a 40-year-old urban planner for the Tokyo Metropolitan Government in a Shinto-style ceremony at a specially built altar at the 118-year-old hotel. 在这座有着118年历史的饭店中特地修建了一座圣坛,纪宫公主将在这里举行日式婚礼仪式,和现年40岁的东京都政府城市规划员黑田庆树完婚。
- Faced with building to an unprecedented height, architect Minoru Yamasaki and engineers John Skilling and Les Robertson employed rigid "hollow tubes" of closely spaced steel columns with floor trusses extended across to a central core. 由于面临着一个空前的建筑高度,建筑师山崎实与约翰·斯奇林和莱斯·罗伯逊等工程师采用了由密距钢柱构成的坚硬“空管”结构,并在其中的井道部分辅以地板桁架。
- S. Nonaka, K. Kesamaru, K. Yamasaki, and M. Nishi, “Interconnection System with Single Phase IGBT PWM CSI Between Photovoltaic Arrays and the Utility Line,” IEEE IAS, pp.1302-1307, 1990. 王文哲,“单级式三相化光伏能量转换系统”,国立成功大学电机工程研究所硕士论文,中华民国92年。
- Yamasaki, H., Kuwata, K., Miyamoto, H., “Effects of ambient temperature on aspects of airbone polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons” Environmental Science and Technology Vol. 16, 189-194, 1982. 洪嘉阳,“榕树叶片中戴奥辛/呋喃之特徵”,国立成功大学环境工程学系硕士论文,2003。
- To See, to Experience, and to Express--The Design World of Japanese Landscape Architect Yoshiki Goda 日本景观设计师户田芳树的设计世界--看·体验·表述