- Yamashita Masako 山下正子(1915-),日本人,日本妇女会议负责人、日中友好妇女联络会议代表。
- In a bar, Lee saves Masako from Shimizu Group. 由于他武功高强,被幕后老板清水昭文赏识并重用。
- First, I would like to introduce chairman Yamashita. 2首先要介绍的是山下会长。
- Yamashita for the grassland, shrub jungle to the mountains. 山下为草原,山上为灌丛林。
- Yamashita is the Montreal blue and yellow flowers, blue! 山下是满地的蓝色黄色的小花,蓝色的!
- Yamashita Tomohisa's welfare must be seen as paramount. 必须把山下智久的福利看作是至高无上的。
- Star connection, provoked by the actor Tomohisa Yamashita banner. 主演方面,由山下智久挑起男主角大旗。
- Yamashita, which Chi Qingshui, I call it "the East China Sea. 山下,那一池清水,我叫它“东海”。
- Afterward, Keigo Yamashita not under right, my situation is alright. 后来,山下敬吾没下对,我的形势还可以。
- When bilateral line to 155th, Keigo Yamashita already incapable great power. 当双方行至第一百五十五手时,山下敬吾已无力回天。
- Yamashita has chuen, who Mirror Lake, Chengche can Kam, a Yuquan Shan. 山下有泉,名镜潭,澄澈可鉴,一名玉泉山。
- Yamashita Chaoyuan main palace buildings, parked Palace, Palace Guangsheng. 山下主要建筑有朝元宫、停骖宫、广生宫。
- Chung crossedto save a girl, she is the boss stops YAMASHITA daughter. 萧子仲冲过去救下了少女,原来她就是山下客站老板的女儿。
- Crown Prince Naruhito, 46, and Crown Princess Masako, 42 have one child, 4-year-old Princess Aiko. 46岁的皇太子德仁和42岁的皇太妃雅子只有一个4岁的女儿爱子公主。
- Crown Prince Naruhito, Crown Princess Masako, Prince Akishino and Prince Tomohito have all studied there. 友仁亲王的女儿目前正在牛津就读。
- Masako Suzuki, one of Fischer's lawyers, said she expected Fischer would be released within the week. 消息传出后,菲舍尔的日本律师铃木真子表示,菲舍尔很可能在本周内获释。
- Crown Prince Naruhito, 46, and Crown Princess Masako, 42, have one child, 4-year-old Princess Aiko. 46岁的皇太子德仁和42岁的皇太妃雅子只有一个4岁的女儿爱子公主。
- Crown Prince Naruhito and his wife, Masako, have a four-year old daughter, Aiko, but under law women are not eligible to take the throne. 皇太子德仁和他的妻子雅子有个四岁的女儿爱子,但日本宪法规定,女性不能继承皇位。
- Masako Masuoka, an 81-year-old divorcee, is still fit enough to work as a volunteer cleaner and cook for her elderly neighbours. 81岁的离婚妇女益冈雅子依然能胜任清扫志工,并为她的邻居们煮饭。
- Crown Princess Masako tries out a writing aid for the handicapped at an ex-hibition of household goods invented by housewives on March 3. 3月3日,东京一家百货公司举办家庭妇女发明展,日本太子妃雅子到现场助阵,体验一个为残疾人设计的书写工具。