- The Yangtse River is one of the main arteries of traffic in China. 长江是中国的交通要道之一。
- Yangtse River basin 长江流域
- The Yangtse River empties into the East Sea. 长江流入东海。
- The Yangtse River widens out here as the land gets flatter. 随着地势变得平坦,长江在这里也变宽了。
- The Yangtse River irrigates vast stretches of farmland along its course. 长江灌溉着两岸的大片农田。
- Primitive tribes live in the Amazon River basin. 原始部落居住在亚马逊河盆地。
- South America: Amazon River basin. 南美洲:亚马逊河流域。
- South America: Paraguay River basin. 南美洲:巴拉圭河流域。
- The Yangtse River is longer than any other river in China. 长江比中国其他任何一条河流都长。
- Gazetteer South America: Madeira River basin. 南美洲:马得拉群岛河流域。
- The Yellow River is the longest in China next to the Yangtse River. 在中国,黄河是仅次于长江的最长的河。
- The Nanjing Yangtse River Brigdge is very grand and magnificent. 南京长江大桥非常雄伟壮丽。
- Gazetteer South America: Paraguay River basin. 南美洲:巴拉圭河流域。
- The new bridge across the Yangtse River is now opened to traffic. 新建的长江大桥现已通车。
- Gazetteer South America: Negro River basin. 南美洲:尼格罗河流域。
- Yangtse River and Yellow River represent the spirit of the China. 我们的扬子江、黄河,可以代表我们的民族精神,
- Three-Gorges Projects in Yangtse River plan to all set up in 2009. 长江三峡三工程计划于2009年全部建成。
- Gazetteer South America: Upper Amazon River basin. 南美洲:亚马逊河上游河流域。
- One night rainstorm, the Yangtse River, Jia Lingjiang is surfy. 一夜暴雨,长江、嘉陵江波涛汹涌。
- South America: Upper Amazon River basin. 南美洲:亚马逊河上游河流域。