- Yanhn rectification movement 延安整风
- Based on these works,a rectification movement was launched. 在这个基础上,又搞了整风运动。
- Our Party is going to unfold a rectification movement. 我们党现在准备开展一次整风运动。
- Aren't we in the midst of a Party rectification movement? 不是在整党吗?
- Based on these works, a rectification movement was launched. 在这个基础上,又搞了整风运动。
- Without that rectification movement,today's victory would have been impossible. 没有那次整风,今天的胜利是不可能的。
- Aren't the democratic parties in the midst of a rectification movement? 现在各民主党派不是在整风吗?
- During the rectification movement only a few Party members will be subjected to organizational sanctions. 整党中需要作组织处理的,在全党,只是很少数。
- This will be another important demonstration that the rectification movement is not being conducted in a perfunctory way. 这是整党不走过场的又一个重要标志。
- Anyone who has examined his own work will surely realize the need for the rectification movement. 凡是反省了一下自己工作的人,一定会懂得我们不整风是不行的。
- As this term of the Party School begins, the rectification movement is commencing throughout the Taihang area. 在这次党校开学的同时,全太行区开始整风运动。
- Anyone who has studied the Party's history will fully realize the importance of the rectification movement. 凡是研究了一下党史的人,一定会深感整风的重要性。
- As this term of the Party School begins,the rectification movement is commencing throughout the Taihang area. 在这次党校开学的同时,全太行区开始整风运动。
- This is a fundamental issue that,above all,comrades must come to understand in the rectification movement. 同志们在整风中间,首先要认识这一个根本问题。
- Comrade Mao Zedong said this time and again during the rectification movements. 这是毛泽东同志在整风运动中反复讲过的。
- Now,the first point: the rectification movement must not be conducted in a perfunctory way. 第一个问题:整党不能走过场。
- Since the rectification movement is so important,why have we failed to practise it over the past year and a half? 整风既然这样重要,为什么一年半的时间,我们还没有整起来呢?
- Comrade Peng Dehuai said that anyone who does not take part in the rectification movement will not understand its importance. 彭德怀同志说:没有自身参加整风的人,是不会认识整风的重要的。
- The Yan'an rectification movement was aimed at solving these problems in order to forge Party-wide unity on the basis of ideological agreement. 延安整风就是解决这些问题,在思想一致的基础上,把全党团结起来。
- Now, the first point: the rectification movement must not be conducted in a perfunctory way. 第一个问题:整党不能走过常