- Theory of Yin and Yang and Five Elements and Archaic Thinking 阴阳五行学说与原始思维
- The formulation of the theory of YIN and YANG and five elements was influenced by philosophy Qi-logy 中医阴阳五行学说受哲学气论影响而形成
- Joys and sorrows, partings and reunions of people can be analyzed with affinity on the plane of yin, yang and the five elements. 人的悲欢离合可以从阴阳五行这个层面上来获得缘分的解析。
- On the four seasons, Yin- Yang and five elements--A new exploration of the history of the Pre - Qin thoughts 四时与阴阳五行--先秦思想史的另一条线索
- In such explorations, the function of yin yang and wu zing weakened and the analysis from the view of mechanics increased, which had never existed before. 在这些探讨中,阴阳五行的作用淡化了,而从力学角度做的分析却增加了,这是前所未有的。
- Because of the maladjustment of the kidney's function, Kidney, Tiangui, Chong and Ren channels, utems procreation, function became turbulence: Yin yang and Qi-blood lost balance. 多囊卵巢综合征是由于卵泡不能发育成熟和卵泡壁的过度增生不能破裂导致卵泡闭锁,符合中医的肾虚血瘀的病理改变。
- Correlative of five colours and five elements declare that the Chinese ancient colours possess rich intension. “五色”与“五行”的配属表明中国古典色彩具有丰富的文化内涵。
- Yin-Yang and Five Elements: These fall in the category of ancient Chinese philosophy with concept of materialism and dialectics. 藏象学说:研究人体各脏腑、组织器官的生理功能、病理变化及其相互关系,以及脏腑、组织器官与外界环境相互关系的学说。
- The theory of Yin Yang and Zhouyi University of China Science 医易科学
- Yin-Yang and five elements were introduced in TCM to elucidate the structure, physiology and pathology of the body, and guide the clinical diagnosis and treatment. 是中医学理论体系的重要组成部分,也是指导临床各科进行辨证论治的理论基础。
- Some do. But I still believe this world consists of Yang and Yin. 有些人是的,但我想这个世界是由阴阳组成的。
- Like gene theory, the bingfu thory of TCM is also a theory of exploring the inborn physical quality which bases on the theory of Taiji and yinyan and five element. 与基因学一样,中医的禀赋学说同样是探讨人体先天体质的理论。
- The farmer keeps one ram and five ewes on his farm. 农夫在农场里养了一只公羊,五只母羊。
- He was saddled with a wife and five children. 他负起赡养妻子和五个孩子的担子。
- The latter was said to be well versed in astrology and theories of yin and yang and the Five Primary Elements developed in inland China and also in astronomy and geography. 文成公主谙熟唐朝的星象学和阴阳五行学说,知晓天文地理。
- He left a wife and five children. 他死後留下妻子和五个孩子。
- The basic theory of the traditional Chinese medicine is adopted from the theory of yin and yang theory of the five elements. 中医的基本理论取自阴阳五行学说。
- She was seated between Xiao Yang and Xiao Lin. 她坐在小杨和小林之伺。
- Su Yang and Su Hai like growing flowers. 苏洋和苏海喜欢种花。
- He was seated between Xiao Yang and Xiao Lin. 他坐在小杨和小林之间。