- Analysis of Disastrous Geology Factors in the Yongding New River Estuary Area of Tianjin City 天津永定新河河口灾害地质因素分析
- Yongding New River estuary 永定新河河口
- Fishery ecology of jellyfish at Minjiang River estuary. 闽江口海蜇渔业生态学研究。
- A borough of southwest Ireland on the Shannon River estuary. 利默尼里克:爱尔兰西南部一地区,位于香农河河口。
- The biodiversity of wetland and its prevention measures in Min River Estuary. 闽江河口湿地生物多样性及其保护。
- The algorithm was then employed to retrieve DOC concentration from the data of the new generation of ocean color satellite sensor,the SeaWiFS data,in the Pearl River estuary and its adjacent areas. 进而应用新一代海洋水色卫星传感器SeaWiFS资料估算珠江口及其邻近水域溶解有机碳浓度
- A restoration experiment of benthos was conduced on the new established southern guided dyke located the Changjiang River estuary in March of 2004,in witch benthos(main Crassostrea Sp. 2004年3月在新建的长江口南导堤通过投放以巨牡蛎为主的底栖动物,开展底栖生物修复试验。
- Shanghai Waigaoqiao FTZ lies at the northeast foreland of Pudong New Area, being close to Yangtze River estuary and at the intersection of the Yandtze River's golden waterway and East China Sea. 外高桥保税区位于上海浦东新区东北端,濒临长江口,处于我国长江黄金水道与东海的交汇点。
- According to ADCP data and suspended sediment concentration, suspended sediment movement in the Yangtze River Estuary is studied. 摘要采用ADCP实测水流资料与悬沙含量实测资料相结合的方法,对长江口悬沙运动进行分析。
- BASE jumpers take a flight off an 876-foot-high bridge over the New River Gorge. 低空跳伞者从876英尺高的新河峡大桥跳下。
- The construction of inclined ship elevator is one of the key technical problems in the project of Shupu River Estuary Sluice. 摘要戍浦江河口大闸料坡式升船机工程是该工程所攻克的主要技术难题之一。
- So the one dimensioned BOD-DO model for river is employed to plan the Anqing New River District water environment. 为此,采用河流一维BOD-DO水质模型对安庆市新河区域水环境进行规划。
- Haizhou Bay population was the lowest at 72.0%,while Yalu River estuary population was the highest at 96%. 鸭绿江口最高,为96%25。
- Transportation laws of salinity with flow in the Lanmensha area of the Yangtze River Estuary are discussed. 探讨了长江口拦门沙地区盐度随水流的扩散输移规律。
- It caused great disaster in the West Pearl River Estuary area, such as Zhanjiang,Maoming and Yangjiang. 由于台风的破坏力超过了设施的防御标准和人们的认识水平,造成严重的灾害损失,为历史罕见。
- In addition, New River Valley customers can save time and supply chain costs via just-in-time (JIT) ordering and delivery. 此外,新河流域的客户可以节省时间和供应链成本通过准时(准时)订货和交付。
- Excessive diccharges of nutrient in riverway result in the form of hypoxia in Liaohe river estuary. 认为:河道内营养物质的过量排放是低氧形成主要原因;
- The new, between the old city to Bala Da River for the sector, the old river city in the east coast, the new River City in the West Bank. 新、旧城之间以巴拉达河为界,旧城区在河的东岸,新城区在河的西岸。
- The suspended sediment concentration in the jiaojiang river estuary area varies with space. 小潮时,南北槽均是涨潮悬沙浓度大于落潮悬沙浓度。
- Future expansion possible Although PBG has no immediate plans to expand the New River Valley facility, the plant was designed with expansion in mind. 未来的扩张可能 虽然光子没有立即计划扩大新河流域工厂,该工厂的目的是与扩大一点。