- Yuanpei Pilot Program 元培计划
- The first part was the pilot program. 第一部分是试点计划。
- The pilot program of VAT( value Added Tax) conversion was launched in the northeast industrial base. 启动了东北老工业基地增值税转型试点。
- Thank you for your continued cooperation and support of the eVisa pilot program. 感谢你们给予电子签证试行计划的一贯合作和支持。
- A * pilot program in the Bronx offers free testing ending * and encourages all people to get *screened. 在布朗科斯的一个试点工程提供免费的测试并鼓励所有人获取预防。
- NERC's limited pilot program would be the first industry-level look at cyberspying on electric networks. NERC有限的试点项目将是全行业首个针对电网网络间谍的调查。
- In 2001,the Chinese government began a pilot program in Liaoning Province,aimed at improving the existing social security system in cities. 2001年,中国政府开始在辽宁省开展完善城镇社会保障体系的综合试点。
- DomainKeys specification for testing on the Internet and is actively seeking participants and feedback for this Pilot Program. 规格测试于互联网和反馈,并积极寻求参与这项试办计画。
- "The city asked us to start thinking about a pilot program to recycle the dog poop in order to cut back adding more waste in landfills," Reid said. 罗伯特说:"为了不再给垃圾掩埋场增添更多的负担,市里要求我们开始考虑这个试点项目,即,回收利用狗的排泄物。"
- In 2001, the Chinese government began a pilot program in Liaoning Province, aimed at improving the existing social security system in cities. 2001年,中国政府开始在辽宁省开展完善城镇社会保障体系的综合试点。
- We will expand the pilot program for renovating dilapidated houses in rural areas and build permanent housing for nomads in ethnic minority areas. 选择一些有条件的地区进行试点,把部分住房公积金闲置资金补充用于经济适用住房建设。
- I went to a clinic in Xinshui, a tiny village in the Ningxia Autonomous Region in northwest China, which is participating in the pilot program. 新水是中国西北宁夏回族自治区的一个小村庄,这个村子参与了这个试点计划。我去过那里的一间诊所。
- There's a lot of great pilot programs in these areas, but it's a tough problem. 有许多伟大的飞行员这些的计画,但是它是一个强硬的问题。
- Deepen the reform of the social security system,speed up the building of the social security system and actively implement the pilot program for its improvement. 深化社会保障体制改革,加快社会保障体系建设,积极进行完善社会保障体系试点。
- Proposed legislation would establish a pilot program to quickly test and evaluate existing, new, and emerging technologies to help reshape domestic security. 按照提出的法令,可以实行一项能快速试验和评估已有技术、新技术和正在研究的技术的试验计划,来帮助加强国家安全。
- This pilot program is aimed at accumulating experience, establishing rules and laying the groundwork for fostering a large number of outstanding teachers and educators. 要通过部属师范大学的试点,积累经验,建立制度,为培养造就大批优秀教师和教育家奠定基础。
- Deepen the reform of the social security system, speed up the building of the social security system and actively implement the pilot program for its improvement. 深化社会保障体制改革,加快社会保障体系建设,积极进行完善社会保障体系试点。
- The NSEP in 2002 inaugurated the National Flagship Language Initiative, a pilot program in Arabic, Chinese, Korean and Russian -- languages deemed critical to U.S. security. 凯普顿还称:“我们原先预计只有几百所中学会对加设汉语课程感兴趣,但结果如此出乎意料,真让我们大开眼界。”
- Work should be done to ensure the success of pilot programs for a new type of rural cooperative medical system. 搞好农村新型合作医疗制度试点工作。
- NERC is completing plans for the pilot program as it launches a separate, broader initiative to evaluate power companies' ability to withstand cyber attacks. NERC正在完成这个试点项目的计划,与此同时,它也在推出另一个更全面的项目以评估电力公司抵御网络攻击的能力。