- Yuelushan University Town 岳麓山大学城
- Let us have a look at New Jersey's pre-eminent University Town. 让我们看看新泽西出类拔萃的大学城。
- In fact, the university town in the south-eastern German state of Thuringia is a thriving high-tech hub. 事实上,德国东南部图林根州的大学城已经成为了繁荣的高科技中心。
- Tunstall grew up in the “beautiful but sheltered” university town of St.Andrew's. “基本上,我算是个乐观向上的人,一般不会为什么事而遗憾后悔。”
- The paper defines the basic concept of waste materials in Guangzhou university town, analyzes its types and features. 界定了广州大学城废弃物基本概念,分析了广州大学城废弃物类型和特性。
- I especially remember Prof Yang's silhouette on the platform of the small train station of his university town of Stony Brook (New York State) as my train arrived. 我尤其记得当我的火车抵达纽约州斯托尼布鲁克(StonyBrook)大学城时,杨教授站在火车站月台的侧影。
- Erin : The athletes in the event are only come from the GDUFS, but we welcome all the students from the university town to come and watch. 参赛的运动员只是来自广外的学生,不过我们欢迎大学城的所有学生来观看这次盛会。
- Mr.Corrigan gave high praise to Zhuhai's efforts in developing high-tech industries and the construction of the university town. 高力勤则称赞珠海在发展高新技术产业和大学园区建设方面所作的努力。
- The university town of Grahamstown is the location of the annual National Arts Festival, one of Africa's largest and most colourful cultural events. 格雷厄姆斯敦大学城每年都会举办国家艺术节,这个节日是非洲最为重大最为多姿多彩的文化盛事之一。
- After visiting the Asian Games Town, we will head for the University Town and have a buffet there. Our venue tour will continue after lunch. 在参观完亚运城之后,我们将前往大学城用午餐,午餐过后将在大学城继续我们的场馆参观之旅。
- The Boyan Holiday Hotel (Boyan Chengshi Jiari Jiudian) Is Just A 20-Minute Drive From Putuo Mountain And Lies In Dinghai, A University Town In Zhoushan. 岩假日酒店舟山优惠预订,如果您需要在舟山,中国住宿(包括酒店、宾馆、旅店,饭店、汽车旅馆),这个酒店将是一个不错的选择。
- Following that, the definition of a P2P based virtual university town is proposed, while its connotation, architecture and functionalities are also presented. 接着,提出基于P2P网络的大学城的定义及其内涵,并论述其体系结构及主要功能。
- As one of Europe's oldest university towns, Pisa has a strong intellectual tradition. 作为欧洲久负盛名的大学城之一,比萨有着悠久的学术传统。
- As one of Europe's oldest university towns,Pisa has a strong intellectual tradition. 作为欧洲久负盛名的大学城之一,比萨有着悠久的学术传统。
- At last, system integration of building automation was realized in University Town of Shenzhen by using LonWorks,OPC and the like integration technology and EBI software of Honeywell corp synthetically. 在此基础上,综合应用LonWorks、OPC开放标准及其它集成技术,并采用了Honeywell公司的EBI集成平台实现了深圳大学城的楼宇自动化系统的集成。
- Her dream to enter the famous university came true. 她要进入名牌大学学习的梦想实现了。
- The latest foreign fatality in Voronezh, a university town in central Russia, was a Peruvian (foreign students are drawn to Russia by cheap university fees, but are increasingly taking fright). 最近的一起袭击外国人的事件发生在俄罗斯中部的大学城Voronezh市(沃罗涅什,前苏联西南部城市,近顿河中游),一个秘鲁学生不幸罹难(俄罗斯由于其低廉的大学学费吸引了众多的国际留学生,但近年来也日渐上涨)。
- This paper expounds the possibility and necessity of interlibrary loan in Changzhou University town librarys.Discuss the problems should be noticed in developing interlibrary loan. 摘要 论文阐述了在常州大学城图书馆之间开展馆际互借的可行性和必要性,并探讨了实行馆际互借应该注意的问题。
- May 2007, I had successfully organized the rock & roll concert in Luoyang University Town, activities including location renting, advertising support, Propaganda and audience dredges. 2007年5月份成功策划了洛阳大学城的摇滚演唱会,包括场地租用、广告赞助、宣传及观众疏通等全部在我的带领下进行。
- He got in with a bad crowd at university. 他在大学里和一帮坏人厮混。