- Yulong Snow Mountain car all the way off, the vehicle began to ecstasy and could not suppress amazing. 车一路开往玉龙雪山,整车的人就开始抑制不住地狂喜与惊叹。
- Tanshui clear bottomed out, the Yulong Snow Mountain in the distance towering Daoying which is enormous. 园内有得月楼、五凤楼、解脱亭、一文亭、五孔桥、锁翠桥等一批古朴典雅的园林建筑。
- Yulong Snow Mountain and Haba Snow Mountain, on both sides of the stand, the mountain is very Xian Yao, as has been split, this is your uncanny workmanship. 玉龙雪山和哈巴雪山,屹立两边,山势十分险要,如同被劈开一样,这就是鬼斧神工吧。
- Winding along Wenbihai Lake, with Yulong Snow Mountain in the background, the golf course features beautiful natural views from a bill lop and the surrounding lake. 球场东邻玉龙县新城,南枕文笔峰,北眺玉龙雪山和丽江古城,西依古朴的纳西村落,中间环抱碧玉般的文笔海,为典型的背山面水格局。
- Yulong Snow Mountain is a people of the United States and the United States and suffocation is an expression of any language are not the United States, only first-hand experience and we have to know. 玉龙雪山的美是一种让人窒息的美,是一种任何语言都表达不出的美,只有亲身体验了才知道。
- Located at the east of Yulong Snow Mountain, evolved from an alp ice-corrasive lake, Ganhaizi (the Sweet Sea Meadow) now dries up for the raise of snow line, so people call it Dry Lake. 甘海子位于玉龙雪山东麓,原为高山冰蚀湖泊,后因雪线上升,积水减少以至干涸,人称“干海子”,这里是纵览玉龙雪山全貌的最佳位置。
- lijiang into Bazi, a large study ancient city, Pak to continue northbound on the Yulong Snow Mountain in front of Wang Zhi. 踏入丽江坝子,出大研古城,往白沙继续北行,玉龙雪山就横峙在前方。
- Discussion on the Lijiang Earthquake and the SEM Characteristics of Surfaces of Quartz Gravels in the Gouge of Main Faults around the Yulong Snow Mountain 玉龙雪山周缘主要断裂的断层泥中石英碎砾表面SEM特征与丽江地震
- Yulong Snow Mountain 玉龙雪山
- Between the Haba Snow Mountain and the Yulong(Jade Dragon) Snow Mountain is the world famous Tiger-Leaping Gorge. 虎跳峡长20公里,落差213米,分为上虎跳、中虎跳、下虎峡三段,共有险滩18处。江面最窄处仅30余米。
- How does a trip to snow mountain strike you? 你觉得去雪山旅行怎么样?
- How does a trip to snow mountain strike you ? 你觉得去雪山旅行怎么样?
- The red Tibetan ornaments, the white snow mountain. 此系列服装整体感觉复古典雅,尽显异域风味。
- Then the Red Army came to the great snow mountains. 这时红军来到大雪山。
- They had to climb over the snow mountains. 他们必须爬过雪山。
- Thousands died on the snow mountains. 在雪山上死去的有成千上万。
- The red army crossed the snow mountains and the marshy grasslands. 红军爬雪山,过草地。(及物动词,后面跟宾语)
- The red flags stood out in sharp relief against the snow mountains. 红旗在雪山的陪衬下,显得分外鲜艳。
- Ups and downs,there are lush snow mountains and spruces. 山峦起伏跌宕,生长着茂密的雪岭云杉,苍苍莽莽。
- Meili Snow Mountain is world-known for its loftiness, magnificence and mysteriousness. 梅里雪山以其巍峨壮丽、神秘莫测闻名于世。