- Yunnan tertiary institution 云南高校
- Each tertiary institution has its own structure of governance, set out in its ordinance. 每所大专院校均按所属条例的规定,设有本身的监理架构。
- Each tertiary institution has its own structure of governance,set out in its ordinance. 每所大专院校均按所属条例的规定,设有本身的监理架构。
- Have you ever been precluded from further study at this University or any other tertiary institution? 您是否曾经被本大学或其他高等学院开除过?
- Other tertiary institutions also offer degree courses in education. 其他高等教育院校亦有开办教育学位课程。
- In 1983, it was incorporated through legislation as a tertiary institution capable of offering degree programmes, and became fully government-funded. 一九八三年,学院经立法程序成为可颁授大学学位的高等教育院校,经费在该年开始全部由政府拨款资助。
- In 1983,it was incorporated through legislation as a tertiary institution capable of offering degree programmes,and became fully government-funded. 1983年,学院经立法程序成为可颁授大学学位的高等教育院校,经费在该年开始全部由政府拨款资助。
- It became the third tertiary institution in Hong Kong to operate fully at the degree level in 1989 and attained formal university title and status in 1994. 学院于一九八九年成为香港第三所全面颁授学位的高等教育院校,并于一九九四年正名为大学。
- As for the competition on the design of banner for recycling of rechargeable battery, it also included tertiary institution division and open division. 而充电池回收横额设计比赛除设有上述组别及奖项外,更设有大专组及公开组。
- A bachelor degree, excluding accounting majors, from a recognised tertiary institution or an equivalent academic qualification and experience. 请问是要求必须有工作经验或会计职称之类么?
- Being the territory’s largest UGC-funded tertiary institution in terms of student enrolment, PolyU has a proud history of showing its solidarity to the public. 理大不单是全港学生人数最多的教资会资助高等院校,而且非常团结。
- Pattern of moral education of Chinese tertiary institution conventionalized tradition of society-departmentalism, lacking spirit concern to life individuals. 我国高校道德教育模式因袭着社会本位的传统,缺乏对生命个体的精神关怀。
- We will encourage tertiary institutions to develop areas of excellence. 我们鼓励大专院校发展杰出学科;
- We will encourage our tertiary institutions to build on their existing strengths by developing centres of excellence. 国际间高等教育水准不断提高,我们实有需要鼓励本港高等教育学院精益求精,成为卓越的学术中心。
- To meet the needs of a knowledge-based economy, tertiary institutions must consolidate and strive for enhanced quality. 为应付知识型经济的需要,高等教育院校必须巩固基础,致力提高质素。
- Tertiary Institution Hockey (TIH), a sub-committee of P&D, focuses on the hockey promotion and development among students of tertiary institutes. 而大专曲棍球会(TIH) 是本部的分支部门,主要集中推广大专或大学院校的曲棍球运动。
- Regulated courses conducted in collaboration with local tertiary institutes are exempted from registration under the ordinance. 与本地大专院校合办的受规管课程,则获该条例豁免注册。
- We will also pursue the development of areas of excellence within tertiary institutions. 我们亦会继续鼓励高等教育院校发展杰出学科。
- To meet the needs of a knowledge-based economy,tertiary institutions must consolidate and strive for enhanced quality. 为应付知识型经济的需要,高等教育院校必须巩固基础,致力提高质素。
- The tertiary institutions may also be able to assist in providing IT awareness and skills training to the public. 高等教育院校亦可协助市民认识资讯科技,并为他们提供技能训练。