- Yuwen Xianbei 宇文鲜卑
- The Xianbei is an ethnic minority group in Northern China. 鲜卑族是我国北方的一个少数民族。
- Sui Yangdi is a mixed blood emperor between Han and Xianbei. 隋炀帝本人就是一个汉族与鲜卑族的混血帝王。
- His mother Queen Wenxian Dugu was a Xianbei lady even feared by Sui Wendi. 他的生母文献独孤皇后,是一个连隋文帝都惧怕的鲜卑悍妇。
- Li Ruixi, Peng Yuwen, Osamu Ohtani, Hisao Nishijo, Wang jie, Ding Zhongliang, Gao Lu, Shen Xinya. 李瑞锡、彭裕文、大谷修、西条寿夫、王劼、丁忠良、高璐、沈馨亚。
- He has taught two sons and Yuwen Tai Song and Ming Di Xian, and other public Lishu. 他曾教宇文泰两子明帝及宋献公等隶书。
- Hun of Tiefu was a Common in race mixed with Hun and Xianbei but regarded Hun as principle. 铁弗匈奴是一支匈奴与鲜卑混合,而以匈奴为主的民族共同体。
- This article recounted the process and effect that Xianbei nationality moved from the northeast to the northwest. 摘要本文叙述了鲜卑族从东北迁往西北的过程及其影响。
- The first charge also seen in the past Weidichishu, Albrecht does not see it that the suspect, to send Yuwen Tai Buji 1000 by Jie Du. 费也头过去曾看到过魏帝敕书,故看到此敕亦不以为疑,派遣步骑1000受宇文泰节度。
- As well as to the Xuanzong Kaiyuan nine years (721 years), but also for granted Yuwen Rong include more large-scale campaign to include households. 以至到了唐玄宗开元九年(721年),宇文融还要奉旨进行更大规模的括地括户运动。
- Be objectively, the reformation brought development to both the dynastic and Xianbei history, and catalyzed nationalities integration to a new stage. 客观地讲,孝文帝改革对北魏历史、对鲜卑族的发展都起到了较大的推动作用,将北魏的民族融合进程推向了历史的新高潮。
- In the minority, established the Northern Wei Xianbei ethnic music and cultural development has made a greater contribution. 在各少数民族中,鲜卑族建立的北魏对音乐文化的发展作出了较大的贡献。
- From Chinese and other sources we learn that Heilongjiang was inhabited by people such as the Xianbei, the Mohe, and the Khitan. 根据汉语及其他语言史料的记载,我们得知鲜卑人、靺鞨人和契丹人等都曾在黑龙江地区居住。
- Yuwen Zhang, now at Baxter Healthcare, and I built another shape called a truncated octahedron, which is similar to but more complicated than a cube [see illustration on page 64]. 现在任职于百特医疗用品公司的张裕文(音译,YuwenZhang)与我做了另一种叫截形八面体的构造,这种构造与立方体类似,但比较复杂(见72页图)。
- Beibei use of the head decoration of the Chinese Neolithic Yuwen logo. Beibei gentle purity of the water sports expert, and the Olympic rings in the Blue Central embraced. 贝贝的头部纹饰使用了中国新石器时代的鱼纹图案。贝贝温柔纯洁,是水上运动的高手,和奥林匹克五环中的蓝环相互辉映。
- Northern Zhou Ming Di Yu Wu Yuwen in 1989 (AD 559) in early Yuchi Jiong Qin Zhouci Shi Jian, the temple save a lot of Northern Zhou Yuan Dynasty to the grotto art works. 北周明帝宇文毓武成元年(公元559年)秦州刺史尉迟迥初建,寺内保存了大量北周至元代的石窟艺术作品。
- Inner Mongolia, north of the town, the Western Jin Dynasty, is the North are Xianbei ethnic music sung (now Inner Mongolia and Lingle) to South Pyongsong all the way. 该镇北邻内蒙古,西晋时,是鲜卑族北都盛乐(今内蒙和林格尔)通往南都平城的必经之路。
- The town north of Inner Mongolia, Western Jin Dynasty, is the North are Xianbei ethnic Shing Lok (now the Inner Mongolia and Lingle) to the south are the only way Pingcheng. 该镇北邻内蒙古,西晋时,是鲜卑族北都盛乐(今内蒙和林格尔)通往南都平城的必经之路。
- Xibo ancients,taking with them Xianbei culture of Eastern Hu,moved southward and communicated successively with Khitan,Jurchens and Mongolian nationalities. 锡伯族先祖带着东胡系鲜卑文化一路南迁,先后与契丹、女真、蒙古等进行了文化交流。
- The Road to cut the fifth century, the Northern Wei Tuoba Xianbei that this road along the valley Tanghe Taihang Mountains, swept through Hebei, won the Central Plains. 该道开凿于公元五世纪,北魏拓拔鲜卑即由此路,沿唐河谷地出太行山,横扫河北,问鼎中原。